Chapter 19

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"Noona, unni[1]," all the little boys and girls said when they saw me. I ran up to them and gave them hugs. One of the lady that was watching them came up to me.
"Annyeonghaseyo," she said and bowed to me.
"Annyeong, this is for the kids," I said and gave her the bag of candy.
"You don't have to do this," she said handing me back the bag.
"Ani[2] It's okay. Take it the kids deserve it. Kids, Mrs. Jung will only give out candy to those who behave. Be good kids for Mrs.Jung araso[3]?"
"Neh," they all shouted. Then a little girl approached me.
"Unni, where's oppa[4]?" I pointed behind me to show Jimin. Her eyes lit up and ran to him.
"Oppa," she called out. Jimin had his hands out to hug her.
"Oppa today's my birthday," she said.
"Ah chinja[5]. What do you want for your birthday, oppa will get it for you."
"Bbo bbo[6]," she said pointing to her cheek. Jimin kissed her on the cheek and put her down.
"Unni don't be jealous but oppa kissed me," she said with a big smile on her face.
"What. He's my oppa though," I joked with her.
"It's okay oppa can have two girlfriends.," she asked in her sweet voice.
"I guess so," I said patting her head. Then she went back to play with the other kids. Jimin came up and held my hands.
"Jimin how dare you," I joked with him.
"I had to, it was her birthday haha. And did you just call me oppa," he said surprised.
"I only said it because I was talking to Yuri."
"Hmmmm okay." We walked over to EunSoo and Min-Jun at the bench.

"Mianhae for leaving you guys over here," Jimin said.
"Oh no its okay. It's sweet what you guys do that for them," Min-Jun said.
"Let's go walk on the trail," I suggested.
During our walk EunSoo "tripped" over something.
"Ahh Min-Jun," she called. He ran over to her and but his back towards her to give her a ride. But as he got up he wasn't strong enough to hold her. They both look at Jimin. Oh goodness.
"Jimin do you mind," Min-Jun asked him. He looked at me. What the hell am I supposed to do. I nodded and he went in front of EunSoo and picked her up. I saw she rested her head on his back touching him. It's not even a minute and I regret saying okay. She better not do anything or else she's not going to be looking like how she is by the time I'm done with her. I stayed next to Jimin's side just to make sure nithing was going on. We got back to the park and we walked over to a table. The kids were still there playing and Yuri came over.

"Noona who's this on my oppa," she asked getting angry.
"She got hurt Yuri," I explained to her.
"Well get of my oppa now," she yelled at EunSoo. EunSoo turned her head and faced Yuri. She stuck our her tongue and said,
"Get lost kid." Yuri ran away crying. Jimin immediately dropped her and she landed fine. What a fake ass person.
"What the hell did you just say to her," Jimin said angrily.
"What she's the one that started it," EunSoo said.
"EunSoo your an adult, why don't you start acting like on instead of a 5 year old," I said.
"Oh stop it, your just saying that because of my comment about the candy." Min-Jun came back with drinks for us.
"Oh...EunSoo your standing fine," he said scrutinizing her up and down. She looked confused but then fell down.
"Ow my ankle still hurt," she said having her hands out to Jimin. Jimin walked away and went to find Yuri. Min-Jun held his hand out. She reached for his hand but then Min-Jun dropped the water by her it burst leaving her drenched. I turned away and chuckled. Guess Min-Jun knew exactly what was happening.
"Tell Jimin I'm leaving. And I'm sorry for what she has been doing. Tell Jimin to call me sometime," Min-Jun said and walked away. EunSoo got up and ran to him. Min-Jun kept pushing her away from him. After they left I went to find Jimin. Eventually I found them at the swings. I walked over to them and saw Yuri's eyes a little puffy.

"Yuri...kwenchana," I asked.
"Neh," she sniffed.
"It's okay they left," I said looking towards Jimin. We took Yuri back to the group and walked over to the table. I told him what happened after he left.
"Good Min-Jun deserves better. I might call him tomorrow ask if he's okay," he said. We walked back home and went to go pick up Ji-Yong. We arrived at Jungkook's place and went inside.
"Omma, appa," Ji-Yong called running towards us. We bent down to hug him.
"Did you have fun," I asked.
"Neh I played with SeoHyun,"
"Gomawo for taking care of Ji-Yong," Jimin said to Jungkook and Michelle.
"Of course. He's was fun to have over," Michelle said.
"Stay for lunch. We are almost done cooking," Jungkook said. So we decided to stay over for a bit. I helped Michelle finish cooking and told her what happened. She laughed at most parts of the story.
"She really said that to a kid," she asked surprised.
"Yeah and then her husband found out she was pretending and most likely will be filing divorce maybe."
"Guys lunch is ready," Michelle called out. Jimin and Jungkook came into the kitchen and set up the table. We stayed at Michelle's house for half the day instead of going home.

[1]Noona-older sister(males)/ Unni-(females)
[2] No
[3]Got it
[4] in this situation oppa for younger females means older brother.
[5] Really
[6] Kiss - usually children say this for a kiss on the kiss.


Thank you to everyone who has been reading my fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I personally liked the part with Yuri in it. Please comment what you guys think and vote.

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