Chapter 20

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Jimin's POV

"Hello...yeah I'll come now." I took Abby and Ji-Yong home but they wouldn't stay. We went the bar amd looked for Min-Jun.
"Stay in the car," I told Abby.
I walked into the bar and looked around. Then I spotted Min-Jun.
"Yah, what are you doing here," I asked him.
"Hey chingu[1], come have a drink with me," he said handing me a drink.
"No its okay I don't drink," I said putting the drink down. I pulled him off the chair and tried getting him our of the bar. He kept on pushing me off and going back to the bar. When I grabbed him by the arm he swung his fist to my face. I fell down but got back up and grabbed him by the collar. I took a punch at him and tried dragging him into my car. But he kept escaping from my grip. He tried punching me but I dodge all of them except one. I took another punch at him again and knocked him down.
"Jimin...," I turned around and saw Abby with Ji-Yong.
"It's not what you think. He punched me first," I said to them as they approached me. Abby went to help Min-Jun up put then he pushed her to the ground.
"Abby kwenchana," I asked as I checked her. Then I saw her head and blood on her forehead. I got a napkin from my pocket and handed it to her. I grabbed Min-Jun again.
"Why did you do that," I said fircely.
"You, you're the reason I'm like this," he said.
"What do you mean?"
"Everything I get a girlfriend, they always start liking you and leave me for you. Why...," he said starting to cry.
"It's not my fault. It's not like I go out with them," I argued back. He was quiet and then came into my car. We went to the hospital to check out Abby's head.

Abby's POV

"She's fine, no concussion or anything," the doctor said.
"Kam sa ham nida," Jimin and I said. We went back out fo the waiting room where Min-Jun and Ji-Yong were. Min-Jun approached me and apologized to me. He handed me money.
"What's this for," I asked.
"The hospital bill. Mianhae," he said still having his head down.
"Kwenchana, you've been through a lot today," I said. Min-Jun paid for my hospital bill and we headed to our house. I arrived first with Ji-Yong and waited for Jimin and Min-Jun to come home. They came out of the car and came towards us.
"Min-Jun would you like to stay with us for tonight," I asked.
"Kwenchana, I should go home and explain to my parenrs I'm not married anymore," he said.
"Are you sure," Jimin asked. We stayed on our front porch until Min-Jun left.
"Omma I'm hungry," Ji-Yong said rubbing his stomach.
"I'll go make something" I said walking into the house. I quickly made eggs and told Ji-Yong to come into the kitchen.
"Ji-Yong when you finish go to appa and tell him help you wash up and go to sleep. It's late, araso?"
"Neh omma," he replied with a mouthful of eggs and rice.
I cleaned up the dishes and watched tv afterwards. I started texting my mom.

Me: Coming to Wisconsin in a week. [Sent]
Mom: Really? Yay can't wait to see you. [Recieved]
Me: Yeah and Michelle, her husband, and their little girl is coming too. [Sent]
Mom: Great. Well I have to go to work. Text me later.[Recieved]

I put my phone away and concentrated on my korean drama. While watching tv my head started hurting again. So I turned off the tv and went to the medicine cabinet. I couldn't reach for the tylenol so I grabbed a chair. I stood up on the chair but I felt really dizzy. My vision started getting blurry and I tried to reach for the tylenol but blacked out.

Jimin's POV.

As I was reading to Ji-Yong I heard a loud noise come from the kitchen. I ran into the kitchen and saw a Abby passed out on the ground.
"Abby, Abby wake up..." I carried her and Ji-Yong was already out of his room. We went into the car and I drove as fast I could to the hospital. The doctor was in the lobby and saw us come in.
"What happened," he said recognizing us.
"I don't know, I was in another room and she must have passed out. All I saw was a chair up against the wall to the medicine cabinet. She must have fallen of from the chair. Please help her," I said trying to not tear up. Ji-Yong was crying though. He was holding onto my hands really tight. A couple nurses came to us with a gurney. I placed her down and was following them until they held me back. I texted Jungkook and the guys. I need someone with me at this moment. They came to the hospital and I cried in Jin's arms. I told them all I could until I cried again.
"It'll be okay," Jin said.
"W-wil it," I said sniffing. About an hour later the doctor came into the waiting room. It does not look like good news from the look on his face. I walked up to him and everyone followed me.
"Well with the head injury from earlier, this fall might have made it worse. She has not woken up but we are thinking she might be in a coma. We are still doing some test. If she doesn't wake up in 24 hours she most likely is in a coma." I fell down on my knees and cried.



Sorry if this chapter was short and or boring. Didn't have much idea on what to do. Hope you guys enjoy it though. Please vote! Thank You:)

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