Chapter 1

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3 years later

"Hey let's go visit Jungkook and Michelle," Jimin suggested.
"Okay, I'm going to going to get ready," I said leaving the room. I texted Michelle to tell her we were coming over. As I finished and headed to our room. Jimin was passed out on the bed. I went out of the room and let him sleep. I decided to make some food for when we go to Michelle's house. While I was cooking, Jimin came up behind me and kissed me.

"What are you doing beautiful," he asked.
"Just making something to bring over to Michelle's house."
"Oh okay. I'll go change and then we will head out," he said.
"Araso [1]."

I put the food in a container and waited for Jimin in the living room.

"Ready," he said.
"Okay," I replied.

We got into the car and went over to Michelle's house. Before we arrived we stopped at a convenience store and bought drinks. When we arrived, we saw them in the front playing with SeoHyun.

"SeoHyun," Jimin and I called out.
"Uncle, Auntie," SeoHyun said running over to us
"Annyeong SeoHyun. How are you doing," Jimin asked her carrying her.
"I'm doing fine, uncle do you want to play with me."
"Sure SeoHyun," he said.

As SeoHyun dragged Jimin to her play area, I walked over to where Michelle was sitting.

"Hey," I said to Michelle.
"Hey, how are you doing," she asked.
"I'm doing good. How about you?"
"I'm also doing good. Very busy though, always chasing after SeoHyun. She has so much energy these days."

As it was getting dark, we went inside and had dinner. Once we finished, I got up and put the dishes away.

"Omma, can I help you do the dishes," SeoHyun asked Michelle.
"Neh, grab a stool in the corner by the table." SeoHyun grabbed the stool and put it by the sink. While Michelle soaped she rinsed. As the boys were in the living room watching sports, I sat on a stool watching Michelle and SeoHyun.
"Omna, I'm tired," SeoHyun said as she yawned.
"Okay, let's put you to sleep," Michelle said grabbing SeoHyun's hand.
"Michelle do you want me to finish the dishes," I asked her.
"Yeah could you. Thank you," she said as she headed up.
"SeoHyun say goodnight to appa and Uncle Jimin," Michelle said.
"Goodnight appa, goodnight uncle." SeoHyun gave them both a kiss on the cheek. As I did the dishes someone came up behind me.
"Goodnight Auntie."
"Goodnight SeoHyun," I said as I gave her a hug.

About 10 minutes later, Michelle came down from SeoHyun's room and sat next to Jungkook.

"So how is it having a kid now Jungkook," Jimin asked.
"Great, life isn't boring anymore and there's always something to do," he answered.
"Are you saying that when she wasn't born, I was boring. And you didnt have anything to do when I was around," Michelle said.
"A-a-anio[2]..." Jungkook stuttered. We all started laughing and Jungkook's face was red.
"Alright, well it's getting late, we should head out," I said going to hug Jungkook and Michelle. Jimin shook hands with Jungkook and hugged Michelle when we got to the door. Then we went to our car and left. On our way home, I was getting hungry again so I had Jimin stop at a food stand near our house. We got tteokbokki and other side dishes. It was a little chilly and I remember there was a blanket in the car.
"Can I have the car keys," I asked Jimin.
"It's cold and I think there is a blanket in the trunk."
"Here just take my jacket," he said as he took off his jacket and put it over me.
"Now your going to be cold Jimin," I said taking it off. But Jimin grabbed my hands and ut then down before I could take his jacket off.
"I'm okay. I have a sweatshirt on. I don't want you to catch a cold." At that moment, I stared at him and nothing else. I wasn't thinking of anything, all I thought was how lucky I was to be with Jimin. As we finished eating, Jimin got up and payed the ahjumma[3] for the food. When we got home I laid on the couch.
"If your tired go to the bed babe," Jimin said.
"I'm so lazy to walk all the way over there," I chuckled.
"I don't want to sleep alone tonight. Guess that leaves me no choice but to do this." He came up to me and put me over his shoulder. We got into the room and he placed me gently on the bed. He was about to leave the room but I pulled him back into the bed and went on top of him. Before he could get me off of him, I was already asleep.

In the morning, I woke up but I didn't see Jimin. I looked around the house but still no sign of him. I called him but no answer. I went to get ready and head over to the Big Hit Entertainment studio to see if he was there. On my way there, I got a call.

"Hello," I answered.
"Hey sorry I didn't answer your call, I had to go to the studio for some things. I'll be home soon."
"Oh its okay, I was about to come to the studio actually."
"Huh...oh you don't have to come plus I'm leaving the studio soon to go to another place. I'll see you at home. I have to go, bye." Well okay then. Since I was already on the road, I decided to go over Michelle's place. Right when I got into the drive way, I saw Michelle, Jungkook, and SeoHyun about to leave. I got out of the car and stood by the door.

"Hey Abby," Michelle said coming towards me.
"Oh sorry are you guys about to leave," I asked.
"Neh, we are going to see halmeoni[4] and hal-abeoji[5]," SeoHyun said coming to give me a hug.
"Ahh I see. Well you guys have fun," I said to them.
"Mianhae...I would have told you that we weren't going to be home if I knew you were coming," Michelle said.
"Kwenchana[6] It's my fault. I was heading over to the studio to find Jimin."
"The studio? The studio is closed because of construction," Jungkook said. We all looked at each other confused.
"It is? I just talked to Jimin and he said he was at the studio."
"Well I don't know but I got a text saying studio is closed for a week," Jungkook said.
"Okay we'll maybe it's another studio. But thanks anyway. I'll get going. Enjoy seeing your grandparents SeoHyun."
"Annyeong," SeoHyun said as she waved.
I was on the road again heading back home but thinking about what Jungkook said and what Jimin said. Was Jimin lying to me.

[1] Got it
[2] No
[3] Lady
[4] Grandma
[5] Grandpa

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