chapter 54

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When trying to steal back what was stolen use the back door or you will go Boom!

Future. Fox's hideout 2.

Kamui and Abuto were still standing on their place with guns all over the place pointed at them, one move and they would have fired which from itself meant an instant death.

Aoi was still behind the big electrified glass in her little prison looking at her uncle and mop head near him. Kamui smiled at the older man. "Do something about this Abuto, look Aoi-chan is getting angry."

Abuto arched a brow answering with irritation. "What do you mean fix this? I can't just jump under the bullets."

"Aoi hungry~" Aoi complained with cute voice her eyes filled with tears.

"It's okay, wait for a while and I will..." Yato boy just turned his head half way, enough to see his niece when his smile wavered slowly dying out. "Abuto... She found something to eat..."

"Huh?" Sand haired man frowned looking at the girl inside, since he was standing sideways facing Kamui, Abuto could clearly see Aoi. "She found a bug."

"She is definitely a Sadist, trying to 'play' with weak and small."

"That's not the point!" Abuto shouted, but one of the guns shifted because of his slight movement, so he stayed calm. "Shouldn't you stop her?"

"Why? She is hungry, so let her eat."

"That's not okay!"

Kamui smiled again. "Aoi-chan~! You shouldn't eat that, your tummy will go bad."

"But Aoi hungry..." She replied with cute voice.

Yato boy shrugged. "Can't be helped!"

"Don't give up after one fail!" Sand haired man shouted. "Oi, brat if you don't eat that I will buy you a parfait!"

Little sadist looked at him suspicious and then turned away. "Liar~"

Shadow fall over Abuto's eyes as Kamui laughed. "Looks like she saw right through you."

Aoi opened her mouth wide and was about to put the poor bug inside; both Yato men closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes they didn't see the shaking leg of the bug that was struggling, but a piece of green sukonbu that she was eating.

Deva was sitting in front of her daughter gently smiling at her and patting her head as the little girl eat her sukonbu. She then looked up with anger and irritation towards the grown up two Yato men still unable to move.

"You two idiots didn't think that there was a back gate, right? Who in their right mind will barge inside the enemy base when they hold a hostage." Seeing Kamui's smile she continued with sarcasm. "Who else but King-of-Idiotic-Smiling-faces could do that."

"Kagura-chan, you were late." Psycho-nii said cheerfully at his sister.

"YOU FREAKING LOCKED ME UP!" Kagura shouted with fury, but then breathed out smirking. "Serves you right bastards."

China picked up Aoi ready to leave when Little Okita asked. "Mama help Kamu~"

Kagura looked at her shocked at first, but then smiled. "They will be fine, sadists and psycho's don't die, no worries Aoi-chan."

"No, Aoi wants to help Kamu~!" She commanded pouting.

Kagura arched a brow at her, but continued on her way. "They will be fine."

She was about to leave when Aoi started crying her voice almost making Deva deaf since the baby was right beside her ear. She hold her daughter far trying to calm her down, but then China girl realized that it was useless, so she just hugged Aoi and said having no other choice. "Fine, fine! I'll save them!"

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