Special chapter paring gin x tsukky

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Gin x Tsukky 
On the roof top of the school a girl with blonde hair and a scar on her face, that was actually suiting her character, was standing on the edge looking at the sunset while the wind was gently caressing her skin.

Door to the roof opened and she looked behind her to see her homeroom teacher Ginpachi-sensei standing there. Sensei grinned approaching the girl. "You shouldn't stand on the edge Tsukyo or you might fall."

"Sensei? Why are you here?"

"Well, I find this little letter in my shoe box and thought it might be yours." Ginpachi waved the letter in front of the girl with a smirk.

Tsukky's eyes went wide and she turned away blushing till her ears. "I-I-it's not mine." She shouted with embarrassment.

Sensei looked at her with dead fish eyes. "Oh, and I was sure that this is your handwriting."

Damn that Kagura! Because she got a boyfriend, now she is getting all excited trying to match all the others. The blonde girl cursed imagining her classmate and friends smirking face.

"I-I said it's not mine. Why would I write a love letter to a useless teacher?" Tsukky shouted still not looking at her sensei.

Ginpachi sensei grinned. "I never said that it was a love letter." At that Tsukyo looked at him wide eyes and turned away again this time her back facing her teacher, so he won't see how red she was. "Ne, Tsukky-chan forbidden love is exciting and it sells well you know?"

"Shut up, perm head. Useless sensei. Idiot!" She shouted.

Playing tsundere, huh Tsukky? It's always cute, but not this time. A little annoyed Gin turned towards the door. "Oh, then I probably should go. You know Sarutobi just confessed to me again and I am kind of getting used to her stalking habits, so maybe I should accept her love. Since this letter is not yours and all."

He started walking when Tsukky grabbed his coat pulling his back. Sensei smirked, but turned around with poker face. Tsukyo was looking at her feet her bangs covering her eyes and her blushing face. "It... It's..."

"Speak up Tsukky-chan, or I can't hear you." Ginpachi got close to her their forehead almost touching.

"It's my letter."

"Oh, so this is yours." She nodded still not looking at the man. "Then lets hear you say it once." He asked with devilish smirk.

Tsukky blushed cursing under her breath. "I... Sensei, I..."

Ginpachi sensei chuckled at how cute she was and gently put his hand on girl's cheek raising her face, so that their eyes will meet. "On the other hand, I already read your feelings, so let me just give you an answer."

Ginpachi sensei kissed her gently, Tsukyo's eyes going wide at first, but then she closed them leaning into the kiss and gripping sensei's coat as he put his arms around her waist and embraced her.

Suddenly the scenery changed. Instead of a rooftop it was now a room, with low and romantic light and double futon prepared for the lovers. Instead of Ginpachi sensei it was Sakata Gintoki, silver samurai and instead of Tsukyo high-school girl it was Tsukky, guardian of Yoshiwara. Yet, there was one thing that stayed the same, they were kissing while embracing each other closer and closer.

"Kya~" Sa-chan screamed waking up suddenly from her dream. She looked around in shock as slowly her heat beat calmed down. She was in a small space over Gin-san's bedroom, between the roof of the house and the ceiling of the bedroom.

Leaning she looked down from a small hope she made in the ceiling to see that perm head was peacefully sleeping. She sigh with relief, but then remembered her dream and started shouting. "NO, THAT CAN'T BE! WHY WAS MY GIN-SAN WITH TSUKKY? All that talk about Gin-san's type being someone like Tsukyo and fan girls asking for GinTsukky are making me have weird dreams. NO, NO, NO! I WILL NEVER ACCEPT IT. GIN-SAN IS MINE! ONLY MINE! DID YOU HEAR ME FAN GIRLS DO MORE FICS FOR GIN-SAN AND ME-"

"SHUT UP YOU DAMN STALKER!" Silver samurai shouted throwing his bokuto so that it pierced through the ceiling and made Sa-chan together with the ceiling fall right beside his futon.

Sarutobi sit up right away taking out her pajamas with Gin-chan's pictures on it and while wearing her SM costume kept shouting. "Oh, Gin-san play with me rough. Yes, yes you know how I like it. Chain me up and have your way with me. Be cruel to me more, but I won't give up."

Annoyed, irritated, pissed, sleep deprived and angry Gintoki stood up, rolled Sa-chan in his futon and opening the widow throw her away as far as he could towards the moon. "Why do I have to deal with idiots all day long."

Gin-chan opened the new futon and snuggled in, not letting himself be bothered by how cold the sheets were, since he wanted to sleep. "Okay, enough with the fan service. Get back to the original story." He mumbled falling asleep.

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