ch 45

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Never sleep in the same room with the Sadist, because you might never wake up or you won't like your alarm clock.

Kagura shifted under the futon realizing that she wasn't sleeping in a right position or more like she wasn't touching the ground. Opening her eyes she look up seeing the ceiling from close up, too close to her, she reached her hand and touched it suddenly her eyes going wide and she sit up loosing her balance and falling crashing down. She tried to stand up from the broken tatami, but something fell on her burying her under the floor.

She kicked breaking the closet that fell on her shouting "SADIST!" Kagura jumped up with the most pissed look ever and started looking around searching for her rival. Damn that son of a *****, he actually hang her from the ceiling. (Don't ask me how.) And then after falling down he actually attached a string to her leg that pulled the closet to fall on her.

She looked around realizing that the room was full of strings, with each connected to something, if she touches one she is going to die. She had to get out of here and kill that bastard. Kagura stepped over one at the same time as she bowed her head to the side to dodge the other. She was trying to move like a snake, but as China guessed Sadist was indeed smarter than that, while moving in between the two close strings she slightly touched the one.

There was a silence.

"I'm screwed." She thought and hell broke loose.

Fireworks, explosions, gun shoots, bears getting loose, lions roaring, cars running, trains riding, high pitched screams, splashing of water, crocodiles, monkeys, swords clashing, cutting through wood, Armstrong Cannon or whatever firing, sharks jumping, cannons, rockets, helicopters, mummies, King Kong, zombies, ships and finally a little bell rang. (How the bell even got in that small room?)

"Is that all you care about?" Kagura shouted as once more arrows hitting the wood and big round stone sliding down could be heard.

Kagura snapped, no crashed to shreds the door to the meeting room. All Shinsengumi officers turned towards her, even Mayora and Gorilla who were sitting at the top. Blue lines went down their faces as they saw in what condition she was and the pissed look on her face.

Kagura was all drenched, her clothes almost cut to shreds, her hair is a mess, even more horrible than Gin-chan's hair after an explosion, her eyes flaming with kill intend, there was blood on her, but no cuts, with that everyone knew that it was not her blood. Poor bears, lions, monkeys and all the other animals, everyone in the room thought.

Her eyes searched through the room finally spotting the one she needed... to kill, her rival.

"Sa-dist!" She said with low horror movie like voice, as if she was a ghost that came from hell well she looked like one anyways.

Everyone had chills run down their backs as she entered, so everyone runaway. The room was empty now, except for Sougo Okita. He was still sitting deadpanned expression on.

"Hi, China, you look as horrible as ever, got your period?" Okita asked in bored tone.

Kagura grabbed him by his collar moving him towards her anger marks on her and her bangs covering her eyes.

"Liked my alarm clock China? I did it for Hijikata, but decided to test it on you first." He smirked.

"Oh, I liked it. MY ASS!" She shouted throwing him across the room. But he turned landing on his feet. "You damn King of Sadists, what the hell were you trying to pull?"

"Well, a little pay back for last night."

"What do you mean last night?" Kagura snapped. "You were the one who bothered me and dragged me here, asshole!"

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