Ch. 22. When a child can't sleep give her a walkie-talkie.

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It was a quite night with Gin-chan peacefully sleeping in his futon and Kagura with Sadaharu resting in the closet.

Suddenly Kagura opened her eyes, black circles around them. "I can't sleep aru~."

After knocking Kagura entered Gintoki's room waking the older man. Perm head with sleepy eyes looked up. "Hm?"

"I can't sleep aru~"

Gin yawned getting under the futon. "We've been through this already. Go listen to the radio."

Knock. Knock. Gin looked up with annoyance. "You broke the radio. I can't sleep aru~."

"As if I care! Last time I cared you ruined my beauty sleep. Not happening!" he shouted and hid under the futon.

Kagura approached, but this time instead of rolling on his futon she started jumping on him. "I... can't... sleep... aru~ you lazy-ass perm head, do everything in your hands to put me to sleep."

"Enough!" He throws away the blanket making Kagura fly away and crash to the wall. She rolled away looking at him.

"I can't sleep aru~. Why can't I sleep? Why do I need to sleep? What's the meaning of life? Why is Gin-chan's hair white? Why do you have a perm? Should I get a perm? Will I be a red perm if I do? Will the anime be called Kagutama if I do? Will I be called Red-yaksha if I do? If I do that will I be if I do. Maybe I shouldn't be what I do. Or maybe I should be what I do. Or maybe you should try to be what I do. Why do I say I do when I do?"

"STOP!" Gintoki shouted with annoyance. "What the hell is wrong with those questions? Those 'I do's' are making me crazy! Gah, my head is so full I can't think of a punch line. Enough, enough, enough, enough..."

Silver samurai stood up took the vermilion haired girl by her collar and threw her outside. "We've been through this stupid episode and because of that I still have nightmares, so go bother someone else!" He closed the door in front of her returning to his sleep.

Kagura stood up looked at the door and walked away. "Damn you Gin-chan, I'll make you pay for this. How can you throw a cute girl away in the cold? What's the meaning of your life? Why haven't you died yet? How old are you? Why are you hiding your age? Are you really in love with...?" She kept talking in a robot like voice.

Shimura dojo.

"Megane, I can't sleep aru~."

Shinpachi twisted in his futon facing the ceiling as he slowly opened his eyes. Rubbing them slightly to adjust to the darkness. There were two big blood filled eyes looking down at him just like a ghost from a horror movie. "Gaaahhh!" Megane shouted jumping up to turn on the light.

Pale like a snowman with shaking hands Shinpachi put on his glasses still shaken from the fear he took. "K-Kagura-chan?" Shinpachi sigh finally calming down.

"I can't sleep aru~. Shinpachi use your meaningless low life to put me to sleep. You're an 8 by life, your name and character is always 8. You're an eternal 8 you will never be able to become number 1 or even number 7, you're a loser for life. Why haven't you died? Just go and die."

"IS THAT HOW YOU ASK FOR A FAVOR!" Megane shouted.

Kagura looked at his futon. "Your futon looks like an 8, is it warm? Is it comfortable? Why do you sleep hugging an Otsu pillow? Why is there a tissue box near it? Why is your bin full of tissues? What were you doing with those Otsu pictures? Were you..."

"DON'T SAY ANYMORE!" In just mere seconds Shinpachi cleaned his room.

"Here I put up a new futon for you. Close your eyes and sleep." Patsuan ordered taking his place inside his own warm futon.

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