Ch31 kagura arc part 6

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At the Shogun's castle on the highest floor two scary and violent men of Gintama were standing and looking at each other. One of them was smiling his usual smile with his eyes closed and his umbrella pointed down, but his grip on it strong, so that he is ready to fight. The other one had a deadpanned look as always, but his crimson eyes glued on the man in front of him his katana unsheathed and ready to attack.

"I never though that you will be such an interesting person, brother-in-law. I'm actually having fun." Red haired guy said.

Sand haired sadist smirked his eyes not leaving his opponent. "Same goes for you nii-chan, you're a worthy opponent indeed."

Sougo Okita arrived at the castle while later after he left China with Danna. It wasn't easy to get to the top, but he had fun slaying joui and harusame while running here, yet what surprised him was that there was no Mimawarigumi. Reaching the top floor he found Kamui, China's brother eating from a big bowl, and somehow wasn't surprised since he already expected the two siblings at least be that much alike.

But except being gluttons these two had other things in common too. Things like same red hair, blue eyes and jumping into a fight with him as soon as they see him. Well, he understood why China did it, but for this guy, oh well, he met lots of weird people it won't surprise him if this guy will have a grudge against him too.

"So you were that pervert-san, who was getting so close with my dear innocent sister, huh." Kamui smiled preparing his umbrella while his antenna twitching.

"Who're you calling a pervert, you psycho-sis-con?!" Sougo continued in his deadpanned voice. "Getting close? I'm afraid you're wrong "nii-chan", China and I are already close. Go re-read the last chapter."

Kamui's antenna twitched again his smile not leaving, but his voice having a kill intend in it. "Enough chit-chatting, show me your skills police-san. I'll kill you." He grinned.

"Like the idea." Sougo smirked unsheathing his katana. "Let's begin this, nii-chan." He said as if mocking and the two charged at each other.

First hitting with their weapons, two tolls colliding with incredible power and making sparks fly away. Then they jumped away sending countless hits and kicks towards each other. Both Sougo and Kamui were showing a great technique, amazing skills, yet they were moving so fast that it was impossible to see their movements except seeing something's making zigzags all over them clashing, hitting and only their trade mark hair and maybe sometimes weapons could be seen through all that dust.


Kagura was standing in front of the gates to Shogun's castle and cracking her fists. Damn that Gin-chan, idiot perm-head. Telling me to come here myself and himself going off to play pachiko, just how much of a useless guardian is he.

Kagura-chan picked up her umbrella putting it over one shoulder and then kicked down breaking the huge gates with a single kick. Entering the castle's yard joui surrounded her; she gave them a troll smile saying. "I've come to pick up a sadistic pet and kill a psycho brother, so.... SCRAM!"

Yato female shouted and charged hitting and bringing down many man in front of her, her aim was the castle and she was going there no matter what comes in between. After Sadist left she and Gin went to a family restaurant a curly head actually treating her to some food, well it was written to their bill of debt in the end. Being hungry as always Kagura did eat down a whole bunch, but she was still worried about the things in here and since she's not the kind of person who will sit around doing nothing while others protect her she decided to go in Shogun's castle.

She is still confused not knowing what she will do when she will face her baka-nii, since even though she hates him and wants to fight him to stop his violence. Kamui is still her older brother, brother who was kind and gentle when she was a kid, but then changed and left her alone. She cares for him and she hates him. All those feelings mixing inside of her she decided to solve it the only was she knows by fighting and also hopped that this time she won't lose it releasing the monster.

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