Ch 26. Kagura arc pt2

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Sougo Okita, 1st division captain of Shinsengumi and so-called Prince of Planet Sadist was laying on the veranda his favorite sleeping mask on and listening to his iPod.

He was in a good mood today, when one week ago he woke up from his sweet dream, of killing Hijitaka and dancing on his gave as the vice-commander, he realized that everything pretty much changed or rather it returned back to how it was before the first episode of Gintama.

No one knew each other and didn't remember anything. More than forgetting, it was as if something in the timeline changed and their destinies changed with it.

But he was happy with it, the arcs or the episodes that involved Shinsengumi didn't bother Sougo anymore since there can't be ones now and he could fully devote himself to destroying Hijitaka Toushirou, and yet with all that happiness it was not quite enough.

He would sleep, try to kill Hijitaka, eat, try to kill Hijitaka, sleep, try to kill Hijitaka, eat, try to kill Hijitaka before sleeping, sleep again and that way every day, but it was not enough as if something was missing and three days ago he finally found the missing piece, so now he is fully happy.

Realizing that his plan of poisoning Hijitaka with new mayonnaise type have failed, Sougo stood up putting away his sleeping mask and his hands in his pockets he walked towards the jail.

There he was keeping a wild and interesting animal, dressed in Chinese dress and having reddish hair and azure eyes. Thanks to that rare animal he was not bored anymore.

Opening the door to the jail he recognize the China girl sitting in one corner her eyes looking at him as if some wild animal spotting her rival.

Sougo has to admit, even if hardly, having her as a rival and fighting with her every now and then is fun since she is the only one he will never get bored with and she is a great rival.

Spotting him she cling on to the jail bars and hissed at him obviously pissed with him keeping her as a pet against her will.

He approached Kagura's cell and realized that her azure eyes were now flaming with hatred and anger. "Oi China, don't look so angry. Look I brought your favorite snack." He waved the pack of sukobu before her nose having a sadistic look on his face.

Kagura reached her arms trying to take the sukobu from him but he moved away and smirked. "Not so fast China, fist the magical word."

"You bastard, so you did remember me after all."

Sougo looked at her expressionless. "Oh that, and here I was thinking what I forgot to mention. Yep, I do, so what?"

Kagura got angry and climbing on bars shouted. "You molester, jerk, moron! You did know who I was and still locked me up in this prison for 3 days? I'll kill you! I swear to God I'll kill you!"

"Come on China! Don't be angry I'm your only friend left after all. Now say the magical word and maybe I will let you go."

"Why you..." Kagura gripped the bars almost breaking them and with fake smile said. "Mr. Sadist, please go off and die somewhere where no one can find your rotten body or when I get out of here I'll kill you myself!" She shouted the last line.

After staying silent for a minute Sougo said bluntly. "I refuse." He turned around to leave when suddenly he heard a crushing sound.

Bars of Kagura's cell broke down by her single blow and she jumped on Sougo straggling with him for her sukobu pack. She was biting him, hitting, everything she could think of, and at one point she was on top and in the next scene he was topping her.

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