"It's getting late I should go" Klaus smirked teasingly, only now willing to go since it was of his own accord "Goodbye Dalia. I hope to see you soon"

"Not even in your dreams" she growled, storming into the kitchen.

Tyler and Damon quickly walked in behind her when Klaus had left, closing the door after him.

"Dalia are you...." Tyler started.

"Did you call him?" Dalia asked angrily, Damon fell to his knees holding his head "Did you?" she yelled walking towards him.

"Dalia stop it" Tyler said putting his hand on her shoulder, she calmed down feeling his touch, snapping from her rage slightly. Damon let his head go looking at her annoyed.

"He said she, a she called him" Damon said breathing heavily.

Regaining composure she sighed looking down at him. She pushed Tyler's hand off her shoulder and put her hand out towards Damon "Get up" she said.

"Thanks" Damon muttered taking her hand.

"Yeah, whatever" she said moving her hand back to her side once he was on his feet. "I'm going to bed" she said walking away. She ran up the stairs to her bedroom and shut the door.

She pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket and dialed Katherine. "Катерина, Klaus беше тук. Той каза, че някой му се обади, но не съм казал, че е бил тук. Направих си брат обещание да не кажа Hom за мен и сега той знае. Ти ми каза за него, Ревека беше тук. Аз не съм сигурен, че който го нарича, но аз мисля, че знам." (Katerina, Klaus was here. He said someone called him but they didn't say I was here. I made his brother promise not to tell him about me and now he knows. You told me about him, Rebekah was here too. I'm not sure who called him but I think...I know) she said pacing around her room. There was a knock on the door.


She glanced at the door before bringing her attention back to the phone "Трябва да тръгвам" (I have to go) she said and hung up putting the phone in her pocket. She walked over to the door and opened it.

"Tyler what is it ?" she asked.

"I wanted to see if you were okay? Rebekah held on to you pretty tightly and I know how scary Klaus can be" he said sounding concerned, after all he'd been the Original's puppet hybrid when he was first turned.

"I'm fine Ty" she said walking away from the door. "Why do you care if I'm okay or not?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know" he shrugged "I guess it's a Mystic Falls habit to check on people after they've been practically strangled" he said with a slight smile trying to get a reaction from her.

Pursing her lips Dalia tried to supress the smile wanting to form after his teasing words, though it was evident on her face. Though she let the amusement slip as she as sat on her bed and rubbed her shoulders "She pushed me hard" she spat.

"You nearly exploded Damon's brain" Tyler chuckled.

She laughed lightly "If I was going to explode something, it wouldn't be his brain" she smirked deviously, though her words merely in a playful manner. Tyler walked over to the bed and sat down as he raised his hands. "Can I?" he asked, before placing his hands on her shoulders.

"What are you doing ?" she asked moving slightly away from him.

"Helping" he said casually with a shrug.

"People don't touch me" she said shaking her head.

"I've seen you pinned against a wall twice Dalia, people touch you a lot" he teased with a grin as he put his hands back on her shoulders.

"Tyler..." she trailed off, he started to rub her shoulders. She stopped speaking, it felt weird, something she wasn't used to. She kept looking straight ahead, she felt Tyler move closer.

"You okay?" he asked, Dalia felt shivers up her spine she closed her eyes and managed to nod. Tyler moved from her shoulders to rub her back, as his hands ran down the sides of her torso and onto her hips Dalia stood up immediately.

"Okay, that's enough"

"Are you...."

She cut him off before he could finish his sentence "I'm tired, I want to go to bed" she said standoffish, her demeanor changing entirely to being cold and closed off once again. Tyler huffed he got off the bed and walked outside the door, she walked over and closed the door in his face. Dalia pushed her hair back, she had to get him out, she was liking the massage... and worst of all was liking that he was the one giving it to her. She quickly got changed and laid in her bed staring at the ceiling. The only thing that was on her mind was Tyler, at least she was no longer worrying about Klaus.

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