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HIS-(Chapter 1)
WRITERS NOTE 1/03/2021
Please please add this book to your saved for later or something, and don't read the current chapters I am so embarrassed by my work I am currently re writing it and it's going so much better than this!! Thank you for finding this book but please read it it when I've fully re written it xx

"Yeah you're right its depression." It isn't really a surprise to me, I mean I hardly talk and I'm always in my room, and I'm always lonely. There are loads of reasons why this has happened but Ive got to deal with it.My mum and me lost our relationship when my dad left, I was 14 and since then I've never been the same. Its been 3 years and everyone hoped I'd fall back to old ways, but soon I pushed everyone away I lost my friends and others. My mum tells me my dad left because he hated us, but I didn't believe that. It's lies. I mean who would believe that, me and my dad were so close we were best friends. But he's gone and he's not coming back I know he isn't.

I watch the nurse give my mum leaflets and a tub of pills, I watched my mum, she looked like she has lost hope, I no I said we lost our mother and daughter bond but she is the one who hasn't given up on me,  but looking at her now, I think that hope has vanished. It hurts but I take no notice of the constant buzzing in my head. "May I say that maybe get her into more interactive things, like going out. We have support groups but I don't think I really would recommend them. But I believe that if you get out more Lara you'll feel much better." I nodded my head but thinking completely different things. "Well Lara I'll sort out a time we can come together and talk more, and take care of yourself, and take your pills at breakfast, lunch, and before bed. See you soon."

"Thank you." I barely whisper. I stuff my small hands in my pockets and put my hood up.

"Hey honey." I turn to my mum, "I promise we're going to get through this, I want my precious baby back, I need you honey." I nod my head and walk to the car. In this moment of time I need someone.

I put my head against the window and watch the people with smiles on there faces, there all in groups, me and my friends were like that. But they all hate me. At school its dirty looks, pushed into lockers, making fun of me. Its hard.

As soon as we pull up to the house I walk to the door and unlock it and go upstairs.

The next day
"Honey come downstairs I need to ask you something."  I was confused as its Sunday and she normally lets me stay upstairs. I put on a dressing robe and went downstairs.

"Now I was thinking about what Katie said yesterday at the doctors."


"The nurse, the one who given us an hour talk."

"Oh yeah sorry."

"Don't be sorry, now you know when she was going on about interacting with people." I nodded. "Well starting today you're working at the café with me, and also there is a group of people moving to our town so there'll be more customers."


"What why?"

"I don't want too."

"Well I'm telling you, go get dressed we're leaving in half an hour." I sighed and walked to my room. How will working in a café help me, its silly. But I have not choice.

I get into the shower and sing along to the song I've been working on. I wash all over and get out. I dry my hair and let it down. I put on a soft touch of make up. I put on jeans and a top, I grab my hoodie and put it on, I then grabbed my shoes and walk downstairs.

"Honey come on maybe colourful clothes." I shook my head and walked out and got in the car. I looked down at my clothes they were all black but I'm like that. Me and my mum walked into the café and loads of people were there. Most of my year was here. In our town its very small and my mums café was very popular. The only time people see me is when Im in school.  I knew everyone but there was a big table of people I didn't no. As I walked past there table they smiled at me and I put my head to the floor, avoiding contact.

"Honey your going to be waitressing today and you'll start at That table over there." she pointed to Carls table. Carl was 25 years old with a kid. I was about to walk over my mum taken my hoodie of me. She passed me a note pad and pen and sent me over.

I walked over and carl looked up at me, he smiled and a cute little girl squealed.

"You're pwetty." I knelt down and thanked her." Your also beautiful, to me a princess." I'm good with kids as when my auntie and my mum went on holiday I had to look after the baby. "Now what would you like?"

"Um please can I have a chocolate milkshake and a muffin pwease."

"And for you sir?" I said quietly.

"A glass of water please." I walked to my mum and given her the order.

"Good honey, now table 9." It was the people I didn't no.

"Mum I don't know them."

"Just go sweetie." I walked over and kept my head low.

"Hi im Lara and Ill be serving you today what would you like?" I heard giggling I ignored it and waited.

"Can we have 3 orange juices, 5 chocolate cookies."

"Yeah right away." I was walking away when I felt someone pull me.

"You no we don't bite." I looked at the girl who had hold of me. I didn't say anything and walked away. I took Carls order to him and went back to the till. I grabbed there order walked over to them, I didn't look up, I put it on the table and one of them spoke

"Thank you, can I ask what school you go to."

"Namors school."

"Guys she goes to the school we're starting." I went back to the till.

I sat down and fiddled with my sleeve.

"Can we have the bill please?" I stood up and walked over.

"That's 7.80 please." A girl placed it in my hand. I thanked her and walked out for fresh air. I closed my eyes and inhaled the air.

"Guys look it's Lara." I turned around and all my old friends stood there. "Finally left your room, you emo whore." I ignored her. "Look at how pathetic you are you ugly bitch, I can't believe I was ever friends with you, I mean have you seen yourself, gross whore." Her name was Sarah we were the closest, but as you can see we aren't on good terms anymore. She pushed me to the floor; she spat at me and laughed.

"Oi get away from her." I saw my mum, she helped me up and everyone in the café watched the scene going on. My hair covered my face and I walked back inside. I walked past all the tables, with embarrassment.

"Are you okay?" I looked at the girl who was from the table.

"Yes thank you."

"The names Cat, you shouldn't let her treat you like that."

"Im used to it." She hugged me. I kept my arms beside my side. She looked at me and smiled, she then joined her group again and they all smiled at me. My mum came over.

"You can leave if you want honey."

"Yes." My mum passed me the keys and I walked out. I put my hood up. Warm tears slipped down my cheeks. I wiped them away and got in my mums car. I drove home and went upstairs. I put on my tv and soon fell into a nap.

So newwww story deleted the gangleader one, hope you enjoyed.

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