“That’s awesome,” he commented. We were silent for a few moments. I was so tempted to ask for a picture so I could fan girl about this later with Holly, but I didn’t. I’m sure he takes enough pictures on a daily basis and doesn’t need me bugging him for one at a party.

“So, um, I guess you know my name, but what’s yours?” he questioned. It was kind of weird to meet someone and already know a lot about their life. I’m not one of those fans that stalks their Twitter pages, but I’m a fan; I’m curious.

“Marietta,” I responded with a smile. If it wasn’t obvious from the name, my parents were both right from Italy, which I had always thought was awesome.

“That’s a really pretty name,” he told me making me blush. I looked down at the floor even though I’m sure he couldn’t see my red face with the lighting.

“Did Taylor invite you?” I inquired suddenly. I couldn’t believe Taylor had met my favorite band without telling me.

“Yeah. We met with her dad a yesterday and she told us we could come,” he explained. He stuck his hands in his pockets. He seemed a bit nervous. I had no idea why though. I was going to have to talk to Taylor about that one. She could have given me a heads up at least. But, to be honest, I was just happy to be talking to my idol.


I was walking around at this party that the guy at the record label’s daughter had invited us to. I didn’t really want to be there, but I had been dragged by Ryan, Angelo, and Ricky. They had also made Balz and Devin go and since we were home for for two weeks, there was really no excuse to get out of it. We had all went our separate ways when I saw a girl with a Motionless In White t-shirt on. It had all of our faces on it and it looked like the one we had been selling on our last tour. She was really pretty. She had long wavy brown hair that was so dark it was almost black, sparkling hazel eyes, a piercing on the right side of her mouth, and a few tattoos from what I could see. Besides the t-shirt she was wearing a plaid shirt that she had left unbuttoned, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. In my opinion, she was beautiful. 

I casually walked up to her as she took a sip of her soda. “I like your shirt,” I complimented. She just stared at me for a few moments obviously taking in everything. She mumbled a thank you.

She told me that we were her favorite band and asked me if Taylor, who I was guessing was the guy from Fearless’ daughter, had invited me.

“Are you a friend of Taylor?” I questioned. I was really bad at talking to people especially girls who I thought were pretty. 

“Yeah. I’ve known her since high school,” she answered with a nod. We ended up talking for a really long time. I just couldn’t bring myself to leave her. It was like she had mesmerized me.

“You wanna get out of here?” I asked after about an hour. Frankly, my throat was hurting from yelling over the music and I don’t think I could stand seeing one more drunk person.

“Sure,” she responded with a smile. We maneuvered around the drunken people and finally made it to the door. Balz had driven so I didn’t have a car, but the fresh was nice after the smell of alcohol and drugs.

“So, why did you go to that?” she questioned gesturing towards the house. “I mean, you weren’t drinking or anything,” she added looking at me. I looked back and had to stop myself from getting lost in those beautiful eyes. She was even more beautiful in this lighting.

“My friends dragged me and I don’t drink,” I replied. I saw her smile again. Her smile was perfect. 

“I don’t drink either,” she responded her eyes lighting up. She obviously had spent way too much time in that house with all those drunk people.

We were silent for awhile. It wasn’t uncomfortable, though. “Where are we going?” she questioned suddenly. She looked around as if trying to figure out where we were.

“I have no idea. I just really didn’t want to stay there anymore,” I told her with a shrug and a smile. We kept walking until I got a text from Balz saying that everyone was ready to go and that they were outside. I quickly explained to her that I needed to go back to Taylor’s house and we started to walk back.

It suddenly hit me that if I ever wanted to see her again, I would have to make my move now. I either had to ask her out or ask for her number or both.

“Would you like to go out sometime?” I heard myself ask. It was like something had come over me. I guess I had just never liked someone as much as I liked her right then.

“Um, yeah,” she answered giving me that cute little smile. The rest of the way back to Taylor’s house, we made plans for dinner for the next night and to be honest, I couldn’t wait.

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