Imani is about to doze off when a knock sounds from the door. She's not expecting anybody, so she eyes Cara down until Cara opens the door for the person who is knocking obnoxiously loud. She knows that it is Chad; that's his signature knock. He acts like he can't knock like a normal person, which is lightly and not frighteningly. Imani sends daggers at Cara, who has her back turned. Imani will never admit it out loud, but Cara seriously needs to tame her boyfriend. He's like a little kid who is high off of a sugar rush. They are truly perfect for each other.

"Hey, baby." Chad says, kissing Cara's lips. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too." Cara leads him into the room and closes the door.

Imani doesn't talk to Chad, not unless Chad acknowledges her first. She doesn't really feel the need to say anything to him. Sometimes he says 'hi' to her and other times he doesn't. This time he doesn't say anything and she is grateful because she doesn't really feel like talking anyway. She just wants to go to sleep; she has to be up early again anyway.

She slowly drifts off to sleep, ignoring the talking her roommate and roommate's boyfriend are doing, before there is another knock at the door.

Are you freaking kidding me, she thinks to herself.

Imani rolls her eyes. Who is at the door this time? Cara didn't notify her that she was having more company. She hears Cara groan, obviously not expecting the person on the other side of the door either. Cara opens the door and Imani hears a deep voice say 'what's up'. Her eyes are still closed, so they dare to open and they land on a guy who looks to be about the same age as them.

"Oh, hey, Jai! Man, what are you doing here?" Chad raises his eyebrows and walks to the door.

"You forgot your keys in my car. Unless you wanted to get locked out of your dorm room, I suggest you take them." The guy—apparently his name is Jai—dangles the keys in his hands with a sly smile.

Imani studies his face without being noticed. The guy is so . . . beautiful. It is hard to make out what he looks like up close because she is laying down in her bed, but she can tell he is gorgeous. She doesn't think about guys like this, but it's okay to admire their beauty every once in a while. She was sleepy at first, but she isn't sleepy anymore. In fact, her eyes are wide open. Cara doesn't say anything to Jai; she just goes back to her bed.

"Thanks, dude." Chad takes the keys and gives Jai a bro hug. "Wait, how'd you know I was in here?"

"I went by your dorm and your roommate said you were here." Jai shrugs his shoulders.

"You didn't have to come all the way up here. He could've opened the door for me." Chad laughs, clasping a hand over Jai's shoulder.

"Nah, it's no problem. I was just going back home anyway." Jai says.

Imani looks away from the beautiful individual, she doesn't want to get caught staring. He doesn't look her way and she doesn't want him to either. She ducks her head further into her pillow and closes her eyes again. She turns so that her back is facing Cara's bed and her face is toward the wall. She hears them bid their goodbyes to each other and Chad joins Cara back on her bed. They're watching a movie on Cara's laptop. The last thing that goes through Imani's mind before she falls asleep is the beautiful boy.


"Why did Professor Davis give us this essay? I didn't even start on mine yet. I need to, but I'm probably gonna end up doing it like the day before it's due." Casey says.

Imani laughs and grabs a few fries, stuffing them in her mouth. Her and a few friends decided to meet up for lunch today on their forty-five minute break between classes. Imani met Casey and Teagan at a local bakery they all work at—it was a coincidence they went to the same university. It's not much pay, but it pays their cell phone bills and is enough to save up to get an apartment next year so they won't have to be in a dorm room. Casey is a sophomore and Teagan is also a freshman. 

"I started mine yesterday, but I almost fell asleep, so I was like I'm just gonna finish it tomorrow." Imani explains.

"I'm so glad I don't have that class." Teagan shakes her head. "But I do have to read five chapters of this book we're reading and I swear it feels like it's thirty pages each chapter. Not to mention I have to summarize each chapter and share my thoughts."

"Still sounds better than an eight page essay." Casey takes a bite out of her burger. "So, what y'all do yesterday when you got back from classes? Well, not you Mani, you just said you worked on your essay."

"I went to the gym and did laundry." Teagan says, grabbing her lunchbox out of her. backpack. She is the health nut of the group; she brings her own lunch whenever they eat out. 

"I went to the mall to buy a new outfit for the block party. Taking the bus was horrible, I can't wait till I get a new car." Casey scowls.

"I need to find something to wear to that." Imani nods her head. "Oh, I forgot to tell you guys. Guess what?"

"What?" Teagan and Casey say at the same time.

"Remember my roommate Cara I told you about?" Imani raises her eyebrows, questioning them. They both nod their heads, clearly interested in what she has to say.

"Well, her boyfriend came over again last night and he forgot his keys in his friend's car, I guess. So, his friend came to our dorm to give them to her boyfriend and he is so cute! Like, I can't even explain how cute he is." Imani gushes.

"Oh, girl," Casey smirks, "what does he look like?"

"He's tan and super tall. He was just so cute, I don't know, you guys would have to see him in person." Imani shrugs her shoulders.

"Wait, he's white?" Teagan asks.

"Yeah." Imani nods her head and Teagan giggles.

"What? Imani, since when do you like white guys?" Teagan smiles.

"Girl, white boys fine." Casey laughs. "They changing the game."

"I don't like him, I just think he's cute. I mean, I'll never see him again, I was just telling y'all." Imani laughs.

Imani thinks it's funny how Teagan reacted to finding out that Imani thinks a white guy is cute. They know Imani and they know she's not really keen on guys. She's too engulfed in her schoolwork; she's always been that way. Imani likes hanging out with them because they have goals similar to hers; they want to become something in life and be successful.

Teagan's a very sweet girl; she's the kind of girl who smiles at everyone and always asks how their day is. She rarely talks bad about anyone and she's just a really great girl overall. She has a boyfriend named Sebastian and they are committed to each other. They are so committed that Imani wouldn't be surprised if she got a wedding invitation from the two in a couple of years—after they graduate college, of course.

Now Casey, outgoing and reserved when she wants to be, hasn't had much luck in the love department. That's quite alright because that gives her all the more reason to concentrate on education. She has spunk to her being. Sometimes it is a little too much spunk, but she gets her point across. She is also closed off. Imani still doesn't know much about her, besides what Casey allows her to know.

Imani is really glad she met these girls and that they've become friends. She honestly thinks they'll be friends for a while, even after college.

"Do you guys wanna go to the grocery store with me after we leave here? I have to buy some more fruit and granola. I ran out." Teagan says.

"Girl, you and your healthy ways! That's why you're so skinny, you need some meat on you." Casey grabs and pinches the little flab of skin on Teagan's arm and Teagan slaps her hand away.

"I'm a vegetarian." Teagan grimaces. "I don't even see how you guys are eating that meat—whatever it is." She points to the burgers on Casey and Imani's tray.

"It's good, so I'ma eat it." Casey shrugs her shoulders and Imani bursts out laughing at her face expression. She's really glad they are all friends.


word count: 2235

hey guys, this is my new story and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

there is Imani at the top.

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