"Hey" she said hitting him on the head as she walked up behind him. "What time is it ?" she asked.

Damon swung his head around to look at her "First of all ow, second of all hit me again and I'll hit back" he said turning back to look at the paper.

Dalia huffed "First of all good, and second of all I asked what time is it?" she repeated.

Damon looked at his watch before answering "7:30"

"Where's Stefan ?" she asked sitting on the edge of the couch.

"With Elena" Damon said not taking his eyes off the paper.

"Aww the fourth doppelganger, how nice" she commented, Damon glanced at her from the corner of his eye but chose to not entertain her. "Come on" she said standing up.

"What?" Damon asked.

"I need a ride to school" she said folding her arms over her chest.

Damon put the paper down and quickly stood up "You're not going to school" he said, almost laughing at the notion.

"And why not ?" Dalia countered stepping towards him.

"You have to stay here, Stefan and I are deciding whether to kill you or not" he smirked, widening his eyes briefly.

"Oh please" Dalia groaned rolling her eyes as she started walking towards the door but before she could get too close Damon blurred in front of it.

"No you don't" he said blocking her way. "I'm under strict Stefan orders to not let you out of my sight" he teased.

Dalia slowed walked nearer to him. "Please Damon" she begged playing with the collar of his shirt.

"Nope" he replied smirking, her words and actions evidently not having any affect on him.

"Not even if I do this?" she asked leaning very close to his lips before kneeing him in the crotch. Almost instantly Damon fell to the floor, holding his crotch as he groaned.

"Why did you do that ?" he asked moving to try and push himself up a little, though he was winded from the blow.

"I wanted you to move" she commented nonchalantly as she stepped over him. Reaching into his pocket she pulled out his keys and smiled. "Thank you"

"No problem" Damon replied sarcastically, his voice still strained.

"Even in pain you're an ass" she muttered opening the door.

"I try my best" he continued his humour, managing to finally get onto his knees.

Dalia rolled her eyes at his words "See ya" she said. Closing the door she jogged down the few steps and made her way over to Damon's car. A smirk plastered on her lips she got into the car, placing the key in the engine she revved it before quickly heading off to the school.

Dalia pulled up outside the school in a matter of minutes given her speedy driving. She didn't care if she was caught speeding, she'd make Damon pay, though she doubted he would anyway since he had compulsion on his side. There were still some students out by their cars and scattered around the outside of the school. Dalia wasn't worried about people seeing two 'Elena's' if you've lived in the town long enough the abnormal becomes normal. She got out of the car and took off her sunglasses, when she saw Stefan and started walking towards him.

"Stefan" she called from a few feet away from him. Stefan turned around and saw her, eyebrows raised instantly. "Hey" she said placing her hands in her pocket as she reached his side and took notice of the blonde he was with.

"What are you doing here Dalia?" he asked not looking at her, instead his gaze was straight ahead, not wanting to give her too much attention.

"Dalia?" the blonde girl, her tone high showing her befuddlement.

"Caroline?" Dalia guessed pointing to the blonde. "Am I right?"

"How do you..." Caroline trailed off looking at Stefan for answers.

"Long story" he said and just then the bell rang.

"Come on Stefan, don't wanna be late do we" smirked Dalia linking arms with Stefan "Bye Caroline"

"Stefan?" Caroline asked as he and Dalia walked away.

"I'll explain later" he shouted over his shoulder to her.

"No he won't" Dalia called after him before they entered the doors. Once inside the school she glanced around at the other students. "Some of these guys are cute"

"What are you doing here Dalia?" he asked in a whisper unlinking his arm.

"I thought you wanted to keep an eye on me" she winked playfully, trying to get on his nerves a little.

"Wheres Damon?" he asked.

"He's probably on the couch with some ice" she replied with a devilish smirk.Hearing her words Stefan stopped walking, which caused Dalia to turn and face him.

"Why would he need ice?" he asked almost worriedly.

Dalia smirked at the look on Stefan's face. Besides her being human he was worried about what she possibly had done to his brother in the little time they'd been left alone. "Calm down Nervous Nelly, I just kneed him in the crotch" she chuckled before spinning on her heels and walking away from him.

The Unknown DoppelgangerWhere stories live. Discover now