Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"But Sub invented and built the Spaw Regulators when he was 13! Even if no one believes him for it, I've seen his skill, he could do something like that with ease. Me, I can't do that...I'm just going to mess up."

Tyler gripped Jason's shoulders firmly, "Quit that!" Tyler shook Jason a little, "Have a little more confidence in yourself. Look, just take a look at it, I bet you can figure it out, you're smart enough. Just try."

Jason sighed and Tyler let go of him. Jason walked past the ash all over the floor and to one of the chests. He stood for a few moments before he lifted the lid of a chest and pulled out a small box shaped object. It was made of a thick metal the color of peaches and divided in a diamond shaped grid. At the very center of all the sides was a quartz square plate, each with a small artificial gem, all but one side.

Jason set the box down and dug through the chest again pulling out some redstone wire (dust). His hands shook before he hurriedly connected the box to a lever and flicked it. The wires lit up and slowly a soft glow emitted from the gems before they flickered and died. The wires sparked and their light died out to.

Jason panicked and crouched by the machine. He pulled out a pair of blue gloves from his sweater and put them on. Tyler moved closer to the door with his sword out as Jason hurriedly messed with the machine.

"I know the problem..."

"What, what is it?"

"Well... there a a few misplaced gears inside, I can fix that easily, but the other thing, is we're missing a gem. We got the shipment for them a few weeks back, but after that whole magical incident, one of them broke. So we only had five to work with for now. If we had any gem, real or fake I could get this working. But there is no way we can find one in time--"

"I got this Jason! You just work on what you can, I'll find us a gem, somewhere... Don't worry!"

Tyler left the building in a flash. He didn't know where he was going to find a gem, or even something like it.

"Come at me you Emedo b@stards!" Tyler glanced as he saw Mitch fighting five soldiers with a bow and no arrows. He looked ragged and tired, His clothes were torn, and the hoodie he wore was tossed aside on the ground. This revealed a golden amulet around his neck with a red jewel in the center. Tyler's eyes widened, a gem! Just what he needed!

He ran and pulled out his sword and swung it at an unsuspecting soldier, the other four turned to face him as Tyler's victim fell to the ground. Tyler blocked an oncoming blow and matching Tyler's speed perfectly, Mitch moved in smacked a soldier with his bow and gave a kick to his shin.

Both Tyler and Mitch managed to work as a good pair, driving their attackers away with ease, "Thanks dude, you came just in the nick of time," Mitch breathed out heavily, "Whew, if I had a sword with me and more arrows this would've been too easy, but hey, I'm always up for a challenge!" He laughed a little before clutching his side. There was a small gash with only a little bit of blood seeping out.

"No problem, hey, I couldn't um.. Help but notice," Tyler pointed at Mitch's chest where the ruby gem rested comfortably. Mitch glanced at it and quickly tried to stuff it in his pocket.

"Whoa, calm down! I don't care where you got it, but I need it--correction, Jason needs it. He needs one gem to finish an important--"

"I-I can't give this to you, I just can't" Mitch butted in.

"Please," Tyler begged, "If we don't more people will, die, we aren't winning here. There is no way we could've predicted this attack, and now we've lost so much we'll lose if this keeps up. Please Mitch, everyone's lives depend on it, I need your gem, do it for your friends."

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