I Don't Like Him

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My mate(I don't know his name) snapped out his trance and the first words out his mouth were "Take a picture it will last longer" My anger issues broke out.

"Who the hell are you talking to?!" I yelled at him and Jay laughed at the end.  Jay looks like he's gunna pee on himself at my outburst.

"Well who is this young man to you then?" He looked genuinely curious. 

'Play along' I sent to Jay not taking my eyes off the teacher.

'Kay' Jay sent back.

I pointed to Jay "That young man is my husband" I said dramatically.

The teacher raised an eyebrow "I thought you said he was disgusting" He had a point.

Jay finally talked for the first time since class started "We have to put up an act for our peers because everybody wanted to go to our wedding so we acted like we never got married in the first place."

The whole class was playing along because this was also their favorite part of the day.  They all gasped and a few said stuff like 'I knew it', 'How dare you' or 'Man I had dibs on her'.

My mate smirked, "You're in high school, I highly doubt that you're married. You can go to the office for your little outburst. You too, buddy" He told Jay and I.

When I walked pass him I whispered so only Jay, teacher and I can hear "The names are Elexus and Jay asshole" With that we went to the principal to sit back and have hot chocolate or coffee with donuts.  My brothers and I get sent to the office a lot so its like a second home to us.

"Hey Cathy." I said to the secretary as I passed her

"Hey Elexus and Jay you guys come from E.L.A again?" Cathy the pretty red head, blue eyes secretary asked

"Yeah the new teacher sucks again." Jay said

"Okay I'll look into his profile okay?" Cathy was always spying on teachers for us.

"Thanks Caths" Jay and I said at the same time

As we opened the door to the principal's office we heard him say "Jay, Elexus you're here" He's a werewolf too so he can smell our scent.

"Of course Nick wouldn't miss it for the world" I smiled as I walked in

"Get the usual and sit down so I can hear the argument" Nick said in an excited voice.  Okay so this is the favorite part of everybody's day.  The  usual was 3 caramel iced coffee extra cream, extra sugar with 6 pumps of caramel and 3 glazed donuts from Dunkin Donuts. We got that done in 5 minutes and were in his office and I started the story

I started "So I was tired and he wasn't in the class yet-"

"Wait the teacher wasn't  or Jay wasn't?" Nick cut in.

I rolled my eyes. He's such a gossiper " The teacher.  So I snuggled into Jay's arms and put my headphones in and the teacher was all like, 'Don't sleep with your boyfriend in my class' and I was all like ' You think that disgusting fuck is my fucking boyfriend' and I was like 'Jay I have an idea' but in our heads because the teacher is a werewolf and I was like 'Jay is my husband and that we pretend to hate each other because the class wanted to go to our wedding' and then he sent us here and I was like, 'The names are Elexus and Jay, asshole' '" I finished the short story and Nick just shook his head at me.

"Oh yeah one more thing Nick he's my mate and I don't like him." I said with a serious expression.  The room turned silent and Nick was staring at me with an unknown expression on his face.

"You have to deny him and break his heart then" Nick said with a sad look on his face

Me being me I don't care about other people's emotions I said, "Alright I don't really care if I break his heart" And with that he sent us back to class.

"You gunna deny him?" Jay asked

I looked at him "Yeah because I don't want to live with an asshole like him for the rest of my life" I hugged him and he put an arm around my shoulder I was still tired so I stopped and turned to Jay. I put my arms out. " Carry me" He swooped down and carried me on his back.

"We're back" Jay said to the teacher.

"Sit down" A smooth voice I can only describe as the teacher's commanded.

Jay let me down and I sat in my seat.  The teacher was talking about The Scarlet Letter.  If being bored to death was real I would have died 5 minutes ago. As class ended, I asked to see the teached privately. Jay didn't have to leave because either way he could hear the conversation.  All of my brothers could hear it, so could Nick the only reason he asked me to repeat it was because he wanted to hear it again. 

"So asshole," I started " What the hell was the whole rude, jackass, douche bag routine you did at the beginning of class?"

He looked at me with a smirk on his face. "I can't be a great teacher with a bitch like you in my class" And with that I lunged at him.

I Live With My Dad And 9 Brothers. And I Have 2 Mates. Help!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang