"Come on Alicia the sun is out she might turn into ashes since she is sooooo BLACK" all her friends laughed at me

"Hey That's not funny she is pretty to me" Raheem said defending me.

"Uhh no she's not can't you see" Alicia other friend said

"You're just mad cause you don't look like her"

"Ugh come on Alicia I don't even know why you hang with her"

Alicia and her friends walked away with her leading.

"Those girls are mean" Raheem

"I know that's why I never hang with her when they are around" I said looking down

"Y-you c-could be my frwiend i-if you want"

"You want to be my frwiend"

"Y-yea I guess" he said looking down his cheeks were turning red


"Friends" I said with my handout

"Friends" Raheem

"OK CLASS TIME TO GO IN" Miss James said.

"Come on let's go you're walking to slow" Raheem said

"I'm coming" I said

He grabbed my hand so that I could jog with him. We was heading to the front door when someone tripped me. I fell face first busting my lip.

Ouch !!!!! I looked up to see Derrick smiling at me

"Whatcha do that for" Raheem said bending down next to me.

"Cause I can he said kicking Raheem in the stomach. He doubled over in pain but got back up fighting Derrick.

"MISS JAMES THERE FIGHTING" one of the students said

She got in between Derrick and Raheem to stop them from fighting but Raheem was still trying to hit Derrick.

"STOP! It Raheem." Miss James literally dragged Raheem to the front desk.

Everybody was quieting around me looking at my bloody lip and scarred knee when I trip.

"Layla come with me " Miss James came back. Everybody starting ooooing I was going to get in trouble.

Lila Pov.......

"These are nice" kam was saying. We were looking at different venues for liyah suprise baby shower.

"What else do you guys have" Monte asked He was the one trying to pull off this whole thing I applaud him for that.

"Um we have another venue that is located at the beach house it's a very beautiful view." The venue lady said.

She pulled out several pictures of how it looks and I was impress by it.

"These are beautiful LiLi" kam said.

"Mannn you said that about all of them" Monte said to kam.

"But its true" kam was about to cry.

"Awwwl kam please don't start crying" I said

"I'm sorry it's the pregnancy hormones" she said rubbing her 5 month belly.

"It's ok sweety I have 3 kids I understand"  the venue lady said.

"Thanks at least someone understand my pain" Kam said

"So how much will this be in all total including with the food." I asked

"Umm let me see" the lady said grabbing her calculator.

Tough Love Hurts (re-editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora