Chapter 5

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Lila Pov

In First Period........

I made sure I got here before anybody cause I didn't need none of them saying anything about me coming late.

My first class was English we got to write about anything even how feel about something. When the second bell ring the class start to pile in. I made sure I sit in the back so no one will say anything about me.

Our teacher  Mrs Harrison was discussing yesterday assignment when Trae the "class clown" was walking in late.

"Trae why are u late this time" Mrs.Harrison ask

"Cause I can lil bihhhhh" Trae said

"That's Detention young man"
Mrs.Harrison said.

"B*** I don't give a F*** " Trae said (in Kevin heart voice)

The whole class start laughing at him , I just shook my head.

Mrs. Harrison Eventually went back to what she was talking about.

"Now class I will be letting students who did good on their poems read them in front of the class" . Everybody smack their teeth.

I was very nervous cause I know I did well without a doubt in my mind it just the fact I got to read it in front of the whole class.
I hope I go last.

"First student is Miss Jackson" Mrs. Harrison said.

Dang it today is not my day I said to myself.

I had to turn to my side since the desk were so close together in rows I had to go pass Trae desk and he gave me a disgusting look.

"Earthquake, Earthquake somebody come save me " Trae said making the class laugh. 

I just shook my head at them.

"Class quiet down and Trae report to the office I'm reporting you for bullying."
Mrs Harrison said.

"But why Mrs.Harrison it is a earthquake in here a big fat black one" he said looking at me Disgusting making the class laugh again.

"Get out now !!! "Mrs. Harrison said

Trae took his stuff with him and dap his friends who was sitting with him.

He left making sure he gave me another disgusting look before leaving the class.

Now proceed Miss Jackson
I read  my poem and no one clap for me in class that's fine I'm use to it anyway.

By the time the last person finish reading their poem it was time to get ready to go to 2nd  period. Which went by smoothly. Next was lunch.

During lunch.....

I got in line to get me a salad cause I needed it if  I wanted to loose weight.  I was about to get my salad when someone said

"You sure you gone eat that one salad u might need three or two. "

Someone said behind me making a couple of people snicker .I look behind me and saw Darnell staring right back at me with the same mean mugg he gave me earlier this morning.
I just kept my head down not looking at him.

"Wait u not gone speak fatty" he said pushing me

"Leave me alone I haven't done anything to you"  I said

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