Chapter 38

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The Next Day ........

Me and Lila was getting ready to take the girls to school today.

"You got your stuff baby" Lila was saying to Kyra. We was dropping her off first.

"Yes I have everything Auntie Lila bye sissy" Kyra said hugging Lay who was in the back with her.

"Ok bye baby have good day in school". Lila said.

Kyra got out the car with her bag going to a group of girls. They greeted her with open arms.

We was pulling up at lay daycare center. She wanted me to walk in with her ,Lila was cool with it.

"Hey Miss Johnson"I said coming inside the building.

She looked up from what she was doing and waved at us.

"Hey sunshine and handsome" she said looking at me she pinch lay cheek causing her to move around in my arms.

"You ready to go to class missy" Ms.Johnson said to Layla while I signed her in

"Yes"she said shyly

"Ok let me tell Miss James you here" Ms.Johnson said leaving her desk.

I bent down to Layla level.

"Lay the next time that little boy do something call using this phone ". Her eyes got wide.

It was a iPhone 5 with Princess Tiana case (she always playing on my phone so she know how to use it)

"The next time he do something PLEASE call me I don't care  when ok "

She nodded her head.

"Otay lov you " she said

"Love you to baby girl." I watch her run to the back where the classroom was.

I stand up to my full height about to leave when some woman who looked about my age bump into me dragging some lil boy in the building.

"Come on Raheem its your first day"the woman said dragging him.

"Mommy I don't want to go here" the boy looked up at me with his hazel green eyes mugging me.

"Come on rah you can make new friends here"

"But I don't want to" the lil boy said still fighting his mother off of him.

"Aye lil man you should listen to her" I said butting in

"Who are you !! You not my daddy" the boy said mugging me.

"Raheem that is so disrespectful" ,"I'm sorry sir" the women looked up at me. She looked like she was stressed out.

"It's alright ma'am."

I Left out the building heading to the car where Lila was texting somebody.

What's next she said putting up her phone.

"I guess we can go home and do you know what" I said wiggling my eyebrows

"Boy hush" she said hitting my chest

" You have been very violent lately" I said to her

"Hmmm I wonder where I get that from" she said looking at me with her eyebrow raised.

I pecked her lips.

"What was that for" she said cheesing

"Cause I felt like and you know you like my thugness. "

"Boy whatever" she said waving me off.

"Ohhh I almost forgot can you drop me off at kam. Me,her,and Monte are planning a surprise baby shower for liyah you guys should come "

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