Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N Sorry for the late update. Here's three new chapters to make up to it.

Skylar's P.O.V

It's been three months since I moved in with Sage and his parents.

I am truly in love.

Sage takes me on dates every weekend, and even though I tell him not to he does. He's the best friend anyone could have. Heck, he's the best boyfriend any girl could have.

I wish I could say the rest of the last three months were good. Stacey and I became friends after the guitar song incident. Marno got beaten by Sage. I smiled slightly remembering how Sage got the note.

*Start of Flashback*

I had just come back from the bathroom with Stacey in Sages AP Guitar class. I had asked her about Dawn and why she would write me that note.

"She and Sage used to date," she explained as we slowly walked down the hall. "They were what the kids called 'The Golden Couple. They were perfect for each other. They both sang, they were in the same band. She was a year younger than him though. She wanted more, he wouldn't give her more. So, she went behind his back screwing boys left and right."

"How did he not find out?"

"She paid them not to tell. Not even their friends could know. Anyway, one day, she screwed the wrong person," she said rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"Who did she... you know," I said.

She laughed at my disgusted face. "My brother, Marno," she pretended to gag. "Any who, I walked in on him to tell him to stop watching his horror movie.. and they didn't notice me. I recognized her instantly. I took a picture with my phone and the next day I sent it to Sage. I heard he sent it to her," she said shrugging. "But, they were over with in minutes of me sending the picture."

I looked down. "H-how long were they dating?"

"They were dating for three years. She was cheating on him for more than half of that," she said.

I took the note out of my pocket and showed it to Stacey. A few seconds later she was ripping up the paper. She threw it into a trashcan and placed her hands on her hips.

"Only we shall know," she said. "We don't want Sage to worry now, right?"

I smiled and nodded.

After we walked into the class room. Sage came up to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "How was the pee party," he asked kissing behind my ear.

"It was fun," I said putting my hands on his.

He turned me around and kissed my forehead. "What did the notes say?"

I widened my eyes, "Wh-what notes?"

"The ones in your front pocket," he said, moving his hands slowly to my pockets.

I pushed lightly on his chest and stepped away. He plunged his hand into my front pocket and grabbed the note.

The next thing I know, he's out of the class room. I started after him. "Let him blow some steam off," Stacey said grabbing onto my arm.

I huffed and nodded.

*End of flashback*

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my computer and logged onto my facebook. I sighed at the 20 message notifications I had.

Five of them were from Dawn, saying the same thing that they usually said.

1. Go die, slut
2. No body loves you.
3. Tell your boyfriend I had a wonderful time last night ;)
4. Whenever you sing, you sound like a dying goat
5. Do Sage and the rest of the world a favor and kill your miserable self, freaking emo slut.

The other messages were from random kids from school who were friends with Dawn. They all said the same things as 1, 2, and 5.

I grabbed my phone and messaged Stacey. She was the only other person who knew that I was Sage's adoptive sister.

I need you, how long until you can come over?

Girl, you give me no credit. I'll be there in a few minutes. What's wrong?

I'll tell you when you get here. I don't want Sage to get the magic idea of checking my messages.

He'd do that?

No. I just don't want something like that to happen.

Makes sense. Got to go. Hopping in the car. See you in a few.



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