Chapter Twenty-Two

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After Sage and I pulled away the teacher was standing in front of us. I ducked my head and took a very sudden interest in the carpeted floor.

"I see you're a visitor, please, tell the class, your name, age, who you're visiting, your relation to them, and your opinion on guitars," he said pulling laughing at my reddening face.

You already know who I'm visiting, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the class knows too... WHY THE FUDGE ARE YOU MAKING ME SAY IT!?

Sage leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Remember, boyfriend girlfriend."

I nodded and smiled. I walked up to the front of the room. "Hi," I wrapped my arms around my waist and looked out over the class. I'm cold!

"Hi," they echoed back. A boy in the back of the class let out a wolf whistle. I glanced at Sage and saw him clenching his fists.

"My name is Skylar Cross, I'm sixteen years old, I'm visiting Sage Martho and he's my boyfriend," my stomach grew doves at the word.

"Why aren't you in your school?" the teacher asked before I could give my opinion on guitars.

"I graduated when I was 13."

"Opinion!" he suddenly called out.

"I love guitar. I play all the time," I said. I walked back to my seat and sat down.

A few minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind me. I turned around and saw two pieces of paper. I smiled and grabbed the papers. My name was written on both.

The first one said:

If you ever want a real man, leave that emo freak and come to me.


I rolled my eyes and wrinkled the paper up and shoved it in my front pocket, ignoring the number on the bottom.

I opened up the second note and felt my face pale.

He's just using you. He's trying to get back at me. He doesn't love you. He never could love anyone.
I made sure of that.
Watch your back, freak.

My hands started to shake as I shoved the paper into the same pocket as the last one.

What did she mean 'watch your back'?

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