Chapter Eight

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Sage POV

When she didn't take off her jacket I thought only one thing. Is she cutting? And that thought scared me more than it did whenever I thought about someone else cutting.

I smacked Jason and Alex on the head and ran downstairs into the kitchen where I assumed Skylar would be. When I saw her there I breathed a silent sigh of relief.

"Take the jacket off," I said glaring at her. I wasn't mad, in fact, I was scared to death.

"No," she said crossing her arms.

I swear if you don't take that jacket off in the next two minutes I'm going to rip it off of you. I growled in my mind.

My dad walked in and gave my mom a kiss. He then looked over at me, wrapped his arm around me and gave me a side hug. He then looked at Skylar. "Why are you wearing a jacket? It's warm inside!"

"One day I sent Rachel to go get me some clothes, and she came back with this really embarrasing and immodest shirt, and I forgot to take an outfit with me into the bathroom with me, so now I'm stuck wearing the shirt."

"Why didn't you just walk out and grab a different shirt?"

Dad, you're clueless, I thought.

"Because there were two kids and a teenager in my room," she stated glumly.

"We won't judge you because of your shirt sweetie," my mom said. I glared at Jason and Alex who had come in behind me.

She sighed. "Promise?" we all nodded.

When she took her jacket off I swear my heart stopped. She was so thin, I could almost see her ribs through her skin. Gosh she's beautiful, I thought to myself.

My blood started to boil when Jason walked behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered something in her ear. I had to hold back my laughter when she pushed him away and the look of hurt that crossed his face.

She started to put her jacket back on.

I ran over and snatched the jacket out of her hands and started shoving Jason and Alex out of the room and to the Family Dining Room. I shoved them into their normal seats, and walked to the bathroom and washed my hands. When I came back in Skylar was sitting in her chair across from Jason. I walked over and sat down next to her.

"Sorry about the way we woke you up this morning. The guys wanted to say 'good morning' before school," I said. She nodded.

"It's fine, just don't wake me up like that again," I blushed.

"We had been trying to wake you up for ten minutes. We thought jumping on the bed would wake you up, and it looks like it did!" I smiled and hooked my arm around her neck and pulled her towards me and kissed her forehead.

What the fuck was that!?

"Do brothers do that to their sisters a lot?" she asked pulling away.

Shit! Umm... pretend you don't know what she's talking about! "Do what?" I asked causing confusion.

"Kiss their foreheads," she said.

Umm, I don't know!!! I don't think so!!! Ahh! What have I gotten myself into!!? "I don't know, I think so," I said.

She shrugged as mom placed her plate in front of Skylar. I smiled at her as she placed my plate in front of me.

I took a bite of my pancake and leaned over to Skylar. "By the way," I whispered. "After school I'm burning that shirt," I smiled at her laugh.

We continued eating our breakfast. Soon, it was time to for us to leave for school.

After saying goodbye to my parents and Skylar, Jason, Alex, and I drove to school.

"Dude, I think I'm falling in love with Skylar," Jason said.

"Dude, you say that about every girl you meet that puts up with you," I said back, glancing at him in the rear view mirror.

Alex snickered. "But seriously, Sage, Skylar is fine," he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"I can ban you from the front seat as well, you know that right?"

That shut him up. I smiled to myself.

At 8:40 we pulled into the school parking lot and walked into the school. It was the usual. Girls flashing us their cleavage and guys nodding their heads to us.

"Jason, can you tell me why we ended up being the most popular?"

"Because, we're seniors who don't care about school but we still pass with flying colors?" he suggested.

"I don't think that's it," I said. We walked to our lockers that were right next to each other and grabbed our things for our first three classes. On A-day's we all had the same classes on B-day's we only had one class together.

We walked to AP English and sat down waiting for the 9:00 bell to ring signaling class was to start.

We had fifteen minutes to wait.

We spent the time talking about bands and about the band rehearsals for the rest of the week. "So, today at 4:30, tomorrow and Thursday at 5:00, Friday at 6:00, and 10:00 Saturday, and none on Sunday right?"

I nodded confirming with Alex the times.

In our band, The Dancing Knights, I was the guitarist, Alex was bassist, Jason was rhythm guitarist, and Derek was the drummer. I was also the lead singer, but we were looking for a singer.

"Ay what up dogs!" a deep voice boomed, I looked up and saw Derek.

"Dude, where were you yesterday? We missed you! We have someone we--" I cut Alex off my punching his shoulder. "Ouch! What was that for!? He's going to find out anyway!"

"Maybe I wanted to be the one to tell him!" I yelled.

The bell rang to signal to go to class.

"Sage, what do you need to tell me? Did you get a girlfriend while I was sick?" he sat down in his seat in front of me.

"No, my parents adopted," I said.

"Dude! No way! After school I'm coming home with you guys! I need to meet my new little bro!"

"Why do you think we're brothers?"

"Because we've known each other from the womb," he stated.

"And why do you assume I have a brother? I could have a sister for all you know," I stated.

"Because I've always wanted a little brother. Sister's are too annoying. So I am going to assume you have another little brother," I sighed and placed my head into my hands.

The second bell rang and I lifted my head out of my hands and saw my eyeliner smeared lightly on my hands. I glared at Derek and he just grinned. "All right class! Today we are going to finish reading Hamlet and then we are going to get started on the paper for Hamlet."

I tuned out the class. When the bell rang at 10:10 Mr. Goldberg yelled out to the class, "Remember your papers are due Monday! Have a nice day!" I gathered my things and walked off to AP World History.

The same went for History as it did for English. I sat down, listened to what we were going to be doing today and tuned out the rest of the class. It was easy, all I could think about was Jane. At 11:25 Mr. Maxwell called out, "Remember, your papers on the Civil War are due in three weeks!"

What if I'm already done with my paper?

AP Physics was harder to tune out. Today we were going to be testing out Newton's First Law of Physics. After Physics we went to lunch and then AP Music Theory.

The day seemed to drag on by.

After the final bell rang at 3:05 Jason, Alex, Derek, and I all walked out to my car and hopped in and drove home.

I hope Derek doesn't hit on Skylar as well.

She's mine.

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