Chapter Thirteen

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Skylar's POV

I just stood there for a moment, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. I slowly wrapped my arms around Sage. "Thanks."

His grip tightened for a moment, and then he let go and stepped back for a moment, cupping his hands around the back of my neck. "I'm serious, that was amazing! If its okay with the guys, I want you to become the lead singer of our band. Our old one quit."

"Yeah, fine with me," Alex said.

"If we didn't invite her in, we'd be the stupidest band on the planet," Jason said, winking at me.

"Yes," Derek said. He eyed me up and down, making me shiver.

"Great!" Sage grabbed my hand and threw me over his shoulder running down the stairs and down into a large room.

When he put me down, he walked over into the corner of the room and brought out an old fashioned mic with the stand attached.

They ran around the room for a minute grabbing instruments and stuff and getting set up. Sage came over and hooked my microphone up. "What song do you want to sing?"

"What songs do you know?"

"About anything we can get the chords to," Alex said.

He walked over to a computer and turned on a TV.

"Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade," I said almost instantly.

"All right," he typed a few things in and suddenly the giant TV mounted on the wall was alight with chords for the song. He walked over to his bass, slug it over his should and motioned for me to start singing. I turned to the mic a took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

When the song finished, they all started clapping. Sage came over and cupped his hands around my neck again. He placed his forehead on mine, "That. Was. Amazing,"

I smiled and just as I was about to speak, something crashed onto my lips.

Sage was kissing me.

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