~Chapter thirty six: Who would EVER want to date horrible Lucy Snape?~

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"HEAR ME! HEAR ME!" I yelled standing on one of the chairs in the Gryffindor common room after the feast, everyone turned to look at the crazy girl named Lucy Snape. 

"I am happy to announce that the next game of quidditch - Gryffindor againt Slyhtherin - will be tomorrow! And the current people who are playing for Gryffindor are!: Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell and Alica Spinnet as chasers! Fred and George - who are back on the team - as beaters! And last but not least myself! As seeker!" 

Everyone cheered but seemed a bit shocked due to the fact I, Lucy Snape was playing! Fred picked me up and helped me down from the chair I was standing on and laughed.

"Isn't it supposed to be Hear ye?" Fred asked sitting down and pulling me onto his lap

"Yeah it is but I wanted people to listen to me!" I laughed but then something made me stand upright

"Lucy?" Fred asked

"I have to go somewhere! Speak to you later!" I dashed out of the common room and headed to moaning Myrtle's bathroom

Fred's point of view 

Lucy just dashed out of the common room for no reason! What was wrong with her? I sighed and just then Angelina strutted over to me. 

"Hey Angie!" I waved 

"Don't play nice you fool!" She hissed placing a hand on my chest "I have been nice enough to put Snape on the team for you, now in return I want you to do something for me" she smirked removing her hand from my chest 

"What do you want from me?" I frowned 

"I want you, to go out with me Weasley" my mouth dropped open, I couldn't do that! Lucy was my girlfriend! 

"Angelina! I can't you do realise Lucy is my girlfriend, don't you?" 

"Oh yes I realise that, but I loved you before Lucy did..."

"Well why didn't you ask me out then? Anyway go ask George he's free" 

She hissed in my face then strutted off accidently tripping on the way. I chuckled to myself and fell asleep in that chair...


"HELLO AND WELCOME TO FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON! THIS MATCH IS GRYFFINDOR VERSES SLYHTERIN!" Lee Jordan shouted through the loud speaker outside the changing room.

Lucy was pacing and I was sitting there watching her, she seemed nervous and was taking deep breaths every time she turned around.

"Lucy stop pacing! You'll be fine!" I said getting up and standing in front of her  

"No I won't!" she whispered falling into my arms 

"Stop overreacting Fawn! Your getting like Ronald!" George laughed pointing at Ron who was just getting his shoulder arm pads e.t.c on, and he went a bit red

"Sorry, i'm just nervous because it's against dad's team and plus he's going to be watching!" she panted gasping for breath she was really nervous

"Oh never mind that you'll be great!" I reasured her, but then he frowned "where did you go yesterday?"

"I went to see dad about todays game" she mutterd but she didn't seem sure, but there was no time to argue because the Gryffindor team was walking out onto the pitch now. We grabbed our brooms and flew out onto the pitch.

"- OH MY! LUCY SNAPE HAS GOT HERSELF A FIREBOLT! AND FRED AND GEORGE HAVE RETURNED WITH BRAND NEW BROOMS!" Lee Jordan gasped whom was commentating, I looked down and saw Snape smirk slightly he seemed proud of his daughter.

The Slytherin team were already out on the pitch, glowering at the Gryffindor team. The snitch, bludgers and quaffle was released and the game began. Me and George raced over to the bludgers immediatley and started smacking them the Slytherins way. Lucy flew underneath us circling the grounds to see if she could see that small gold glint that would be the key to winning the game.

Draco was constantly on Lucy's tail, I could see Lucy was getting fedup with this. She looked around then her eyes focused on one spot. She zoomed towards it then pulled away just as she reached the ground. Draco fell of his broom and Lucy laughed gleefully. She obviously hadn't really seen the snitch. Just a trick for little ol' Draco.   

Draco hopped back on his broom, but it was too late. I think Lucy had really seen the snitch this time! She was racing upwards rapidly and had her hand held out, and so she could see it the snitch was glinting in the sunlight. The snitch had now stopped and it was circling Lucy. 

Lucy laid her broom flat and stood on it she hopped up and down on her broom to see if she could catch it. She finally did! But disaster struck when she had jumped she hadn't landed firmly on her broom. She had missed and was now falling towards the ground 

"LUCY!" I yelled in a panic. But one thing was lucky, her broom followed her down and she caught it just in time so just before she was going to hit the ground she grabbed onto her broom with both arms and both legs. She put one foot on the ground then the next then stood up and held her hand up so everybody could see the snitch she was holding. 

Everyone gasped as Lucy revealed it, they had obviously been too hard on her. Suddenly all the Gryffindors cheered and I even saw Snape stand up and clap. Maybe that bit of faith and convincing helped Lucy! That was great!


Lucy's point of view 

"You know I didn't think I was going to get that snitch" I laughed as I finally straightened up my tie after getting changed

"Well you did Lucy! You did it! For Gryffindor!" Fred smiled packing up his quidditch robes

"I know! I know! I'm amazing!"

I left the changing room and ran up to dad while he was in the middle of a crowd of teachers on the pitch.

"Well done Lucy" dad smiled stroking my hair

"Thanks!" I smiled

"Yes such a good victory for the Gryffindor team!" Professor McGonagall grinned "i'm so glad Angelina chose you for the team, I know who my seeker is for the next two years and a bit!" She declared

"Awesome! And I couldn't of done it without my firebolt...OH! My firebolt! I left it in the changing room! I shall go retrive it! Speak to you later dad!" I waved to him then skipped to the changing room.

I stopped skipping and placed my hand on the red velvet curtain that seperated the pitch from the Gryffindor changing room. I pulled it back gently and hummed to myself as I did so. I smiled to myself but then a horrible sight met my very eyes. 

Fred Weasley. My boyfriend. Kissing, Harmony Malfoy...I choked on my own breath and clutched my chest. Fred was cheating on me! I cried as I watched them kiss, I grabbed my firebolt silently and left the changing room and ran up to the castle. 

As soon as I pushed open the doors I could hear the delightful sounds and smells from the great hall. I ignored them and kept crying all the way to the library. I pulled out my note for the restricted section and entered. I huddled up in a corner there and cried silently hoping that no one would ever find me or ever talk to me again. 

The picture flashed across my eyes over and over. I thought I could trust Harmony but no I couldn't, she was kissing my boyfriend Fred Weasley. Fred said he loved me, but it obviously had been a total lie altogether. I would end up single now just like my father, how it probably should be...

I mean who would want to date horrible, ugly, stupid, pathetic, useless Lucy Snape? 


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