CHAPTER ONE: Just Friends

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CHAPTER ONE: Just Friends

I furiously rushed around my room, packing all my Hogwarts things into my trunk. I packed everything I needed in there, studied it for a minute then I thought I'd lost something so I had to empty it out, then I had to re-pack it again. I did this several times until I was satisfied with my trunk. I didn't have any pets so I needn't worry about those.

"Lucy! Are you done yet? The train leaves in half an hour!" My father yelled a little angrily from the bottom of the stairs, I hated it when he yelled at me because I knew he could be really mean. I slammed one of draws shut with force, then shoved some more contents in my trunk.

"Just coming, dad!" I yelled back a little frustrated, heaving my trunk off of the bed. Unfortunately it landed on my toes and I screamed in pain, my father came running up the stairs and opened my bedroom door.

"What is all the screaming about?" He asked in a panicked tone, he was only concerned for my well being. 

"I-I dropped my trunk on my foot," I whined in pain. I was lying on the floor and at the same time trying to heave my trunk off of my foot.

"What have I told you about letting me carry your trunk instead of you thinking you can lift it yourself?" He groaned bending down and removing the trunk from on top of my now bruised foot. "You know how clumsy you are."

"I'm sorry, but I shouldn't be relying on you. I'm a teenager now."

"I have told you if you ever need help just ask me," he shook his head and began to walk downstairs carrying my trunk while I nursed my injured foot. I listened to his feet hitting every step until he hit the floor downstairs, I got up and got changed into something casual.

I put the clothing on and ran down the stairs, dad was waiting there holding my luggage and his own. I felt guilty, I protested on helping him but he refused, we walked outside the house and he locked the door with a wave of his wand. I'd always found magic fascinating. 

I looked down the street and saw a little sign saying 'Spinners end' I had lived here all my life, and it probably wasn't going to change unless I got married. Dad had never agreed on me getting a boyfriend, he thought I was too young, he was only protecting me from the big bad world ahead of me as he seemed to know a lot about it. 

Dad held out his arm out and I knew he wanted me to take hold of it because we were going to apparate, I hated apparating but it was amazing how it got you around. I mean, muggles couldn't do it so it was pretty special.

I took his arm and he apparated instantly, one second I was at Spinners end and the next I was in an alley way just beside King's Cross train station. Nobody ever went in that alley way so dad always apparated there just so he didn't risk the exposure of the Wizarding world. 

I grabbed dad's suitcase and wheeled it along whilst he was carrying my oh so heavy trunk. When we got inside King's cross I grabbed myself a trolley and dad placed the trunk carefully on it, he got himself a trolley as well and I put his suitcase on it.

I looked around the station and every where you looked muggles frantically ran around, some were booking tickets others were sitting down and eating and others were waiting there patiently, me and my father were in the centre of muggle everyday life. Amongst all this confusion, one woman caught my eye.

She was on tip toes looking around desperately, she looked about in her mid thirties. Suddenly she rushed through the crowd and flung her arms around a gentleman and he kissed her. I half smiled they both looked ever so happy. I could never imagine myself ending up in a situation like that, I'm just too clumsy and being the daughter of Severus Snape doesn't give me a huge advantage. 

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