CHAPTER SEVEN: An Explanation

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At eight o'clock everyone had headed to Hogsmede and was gathered in the three broomsticks. Harry briefly discussed his plan about their self taught DADA lessons and everyone was in agreement, not only for them to go ahead but for Harry to lead them. Now all they needed was the perfect room to practice in which would be discussed at a later date.

The meeting broke up and everyone signed their names on a sheet of paper titled Dumbledores army. Lucy squeezed her name on the bottom of the sheet in her swirly font, she was one of the last to do so. She turned around to leave and Fred was stood there, she jumped slightly.

"Damn it, Fred!"

"Sorry," he shifted her out of the way to let the next person declare their loyalty to the new club. "I just wanted to see you."

"Yes," she pulled her scarf tighter around her neck as they headed for the door. "You owe me an explanation."

Fred's eyebrows shot up as if he'd completely forgotten about his reasoning for seeing her after the meeting. "Right, right...yeah, uh about that..."

Lucy folded her arms and stood in front of him, forcing him to stop walking on his way back to Hogwarts and face her. "So tell me."

He pursed his lips and then shrugged. He laughed as if she was being the unreasonable one. "Bad dream."


"Lucy," he placed her hands on her shoulders. "You don't pry about people's bad dreams, okay? Didn't daddy ever teach you manners?"

"No but he taught me not to let men mess with me," she huffed. "I can tell you're lying, I don't want to discuss this further until you tell me the truth." With that, she stormed off back to the castle.

"Lucy! Wait!" He called after her but it was futile, she was too disinterested to listen. His shoulders slumped and he made his way alone back to Hogwarts.

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें