CHAPTER THREE: Damn you, Fred Weasley!

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CHAPTER THREE: Damn you, Fred Weasley!

The next morning when I woke up I smelt a pungent aroma by the side of my bed, I looked down and saw it was a stink bomb. I huffed in frustration but before I could remove it, it went off and filled the  whole dormitory, all the girls in my dorm ran out and started blaming me, all except Hermione.

I walked out of the dorm after them and saw Fred and George in fits of giggles at the bottom of the stairs. I scowled at both of them. 

"For God sakes, you two!" I yelled at them. 

"What? Snape the git took points from Gryffindor, and you had a go at me! Fair is fair!" Fred tried to say through fits of laughter.

"Honestly...I can't believe you two sometimes!" I muttered sitting down on one of the chairs in the common room, I grabbed a book that was innocently lying on the side and began to read, I didn't bother to go near the dormitory and ignored the rude comments from the girls in my dormitory. 

I glared at Fred as he sat down next to me innocently, he seemed pretty happy with himself but I was not happy with him, why did he have to do that? It wasn't fair! I'm going to get him back soon...

"Oh cheer up, Lucy Lu!" Fred teased. 

"Don't call me that!" I hissed miserably. 

"What? Lucy Lu? Don't you like that, Lucy Lu? Are you sure, Lucy Lu, because I think it suits you Lucy Lu — "

"SHUT UP!" I yelled in his face, by this time the whole common room was staring at us, I got up and ran to my dormitory almost tripping on the way. 

I rummaged through my trunk, ignoring the smell, and found a bottle of perfume, I sprayed it around every inch of the dormitory before getting changed into my school uniform. After that I ate breakfast in the Great Hall before going to my first lesson which was Defence Against the Dark Arts. 

When in class I sat down next to Hermione, who was busy looking for her Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook, she was flinging books everywhere just to find this one textbook, I tapped her on the shoulder, and she looked up.

"You can share my textbook if you want," I smiled at her, she looked relived. 

"Thank you, Lucy, I have so many textbooks in my bag I must have left this one book in our dormitory," I put my book in the middle of us then Hermione turned back to me. "Are you okay about this morning?"

"No but I'm going to get Fred and George back," I growled at the person sitting infront of me's chair.

"Good luck with that one, Lucy..." Hermione muttered. "You know how good Fred and George are." 

After a few minutes Umbridge walked into the classroom, she knocked every ones textbooks off of their desks and replaced them with new ones. 

"Pointless me bringing my book then..." I muttered to Hermione. 

The class had a flick through the books but then I put up my hand in disgust until Umbridge noticed, I was not learning from a textbook like this. It wasn't even a proper textbook! This was not the text book we were ordered to buy. 

"Yes, Miss Snape?" She asked in a rather high pitched voice.

"Why are we looking at books that are for first years?" I sneered in disgust. 

"Miss Snape? Are you questioning my teaching methods? Just because your father is a teacher and wants this job does NOT mean you can do it for him!" Umbridge snapped at me. 

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