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"George!" Fred burst into the nearly empty common room, parchment in hand.

"Fred?" George looked up from Fred's notebook that he'd swiped from him earlier.

"Look!" Fred thrust the parchment at him then slung his coat on a chair. George began reading through the work.

"How'd you find someone so quick?"

"It was Lucy, she must've overheard our conversation. So what do you think?"

"I think it's...brilliant! There's no need for posters, she's the perfect candidate for the job." George ran his eyes over the parchment again as if he couldn't get enough. "Confetti that yells at you, fudge that makes the victim go wild; it's perfect! Where is she? We need to find her and tell her immediately she's the perfect candidate."

As if on cue Lucy came down from the girls dormitories with a book in hand. George dropped his notebook and ran over to her, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"Snape, you're part of the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Club, you don't have a say in the matter as you're the perfect candidate."

Lucy battered George lightly with her book. "Off! Now! Give me some space!"

Fred hopped over the chair and stood next to George. "Please, you have to. Your ideas are fantastic and exactly what we need for the shop."

"Fine but if this is a success I want a cut of the earnings," she sat down at a table and opened her book as if she didn't really believe they'd either really include her ideas or it wouldn't be as big of a success as they claimed.

The twins looked at each other and nodded. Fred spoke up: "Deal."

"We have to make these inventions a reality," George announced.

"Now?" Lucy frowned resting her chin on her hand.

George snapped her book shut. "Right now, I'll go get my case."


It was midnight by the time Lucy began opening the red envelope that Fred had handed to her. She peeled it open cautiously then took out the card inside, as if ripping off a plaster she tore open the card. Confetti burst from it and an echo of Fred's voice screamed: "SNAPE'S A GIT!"

Lucy laughed despite how tired and miserable she was. "Goodness, it works!"

George yawned. "Sure does," he added the idea onto the list of completed and successful  inventions. He closed the notebook, threw it in the suitcase and slammed it shut. He stood up groggily. "I'm going to bed, night."

"Goodnight," Lucy and Fred called after him in unison.

"I think he has the right idea," Lucy stood up and headed for the dormitory stairs, Fred followed after her. They climbed a flight and then stopped before they carried on to where they would part.

"Thanks for your help," he winked at her before heading up more stairs slowly. Lucy was caught off guard by the friendly gesture.

"It's no problem," she whispered to the empty hall.

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now