CHAPTER SIX: Brewing Emotions

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Lucy nearly slammed the door to Umbridge's office so hard that the pictures of cats would've fallen to the floor and crashed. But she refrained as she knew that would get her in worse trouble and her hand hurt too much to do so. She cradled it with her other hand as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. It was as if Umbridge really had used poison this time and it was now coursing through her veins while she tried to hold back tears in defeat. So much for being a Gryffindor, she thought.

So she went the only place she knew when she needed comfort: her fathers office.

Lucy knocked weakly with her well hand and Snape answered the door to her tearful face.

His look was sour but then softened instantly when he noticed his daughters defeated face. "What happened?"

"Umbridge happened."

"Another detention?" He looked disappointed for a moment but again it dissolved. "This has never happened before and I'm sure you're not turning into a rebel, so tell me...what exactly is this woman doing?"

"It was my fault," Lucy fessed up. "I was falling asleep in lesson and she caught me."

"Falling asleep? Lucy, this is really not like you. You really do need to explain yourself."

"Alright." This was going to be a tough one explaining Fred's weird mood to her father, discussing boy trouble with your dad was weird, but she thought it was better to come clean. "Last night I — "


Lucy turned around and saw Harry running towards her. He caught up to her and then took a breath before delving into a speech. "Can you meet us in the three broomsticks tonight? It's about defence against the dark arts, we're setting up a club so we can actually learn defensive spells, everyones going to be there."

Lucy tried to ignore her fathers stare piercing into her back. "Sure, I'll be there."

"Great! Eight o'clock sharp, tell anyone in our year you see."

"Will do."

He smiled gratefully, nodded at Snape and then went on his merry way.

Lucy turned back to Snape. "So, last night — "


Snape looked over Lucy's head to see Professor McGonagall. "How can I help, Professor McGonagall."

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to speak to you about — " she stopped short.

"Things that don't concern Lucy," Snape finished. "No matter, she was just leaving." He reached into his robe pocket and pulled out a vial, it was full of the same potion he'd given her yesterday.

"Thanks," Lucy nodded and excused herself.

Phew, she thought. McGonagall saves the day.


Not so long later Lucy decided to spend her time in the common room, silently thanking her head of house every time she turned the page of her book. She must've been smiling to herself stupidly as Fred laughed as he swung her legs off of the chair and placed them on the floor so he could sit down next to her.

"Good book, huh?" He asked and swiped it from her, she didn't bother to retrieve it this time and instead gave her best Snape glare that she could muster. There were some perks being related to the Potions master.

"Brilliant," she huffed in response.

"What's gotten into you?" He held the book upside down and pretended to read it and then dropped the humour when he realised this wasn't just an attitude to get his attention. "Seriously...what's up?"

"Oh so now you're taking to me?" She folded her arms.

"Uh..." He began but couldn't seem to be able to form the words. He then smiled at her and patted her leg. "I'll tell you after the three broomsticks meeting tonight, okay? I don't want everyone to overhear," he gestured with his hand at the busy common room.

"You better, I want an explanation," she hissed and snatched her book back before heading off to the girls dormitories.

Fred watched her go, her hair swishing behind her as she went. As soon as she was out of sight he ran out of Hogwarts and onto the ground in an attempt to clear his head. He had to think of a cover story and fast.

How exactly could he tell Lucy he'd dreamed vividly of kissing her on the lips?

"Just a dream," he muttered to himself. "Nothing more."

He sort of wanted to tell her and then laugh it off and they could joke about it in many years to come, when they were both grown up with their respective partners.

Pain flashed across his face. And he kicked a rock for good measure.

"Just a dream," he murmured, wandering further away from the castle. "Just a dream..."

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