~Chapter thirty: All she ever wanted was that father daughter relationship~

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"ACHOO!" I sneezed, the whole room went still and I felt Fred cringe beside me, we were both in SO much trouble, well me more... 

Dad whipped back the covers and grabbed my arm, hoisting me out of the bed, I was whimpering and tears were starting to fall down my cheeks 

"Well, well, well...Someone found it acceptable to run away from home did they?" Dad hissed in my face "and such a peculiar place to find you in Mr Weasley's bed, inapropriate too" I looked down and saw Fred. To my surprise he was pretending to be asleep, dad hissed in my face once again before dragging me downstairs into the kitchen. 

"Well Molly I think you stand corrected!" Dad whispered, he had a grin of satisfaction and he looked slightly mad...

"Oh dear me!" Mrs Weasley gasped, I looked over at Remus, Sirius and Tonks and they all looked completly shocked 

"Yes we all look shocked don't we? But someone better cough up the truth fast!" Dad declared aiming his wand at certain individuals, but everyone stayed silent 

"Severus it must of been a mistake, I - " Remus began but dad wasn't having any of it 

"THERE IS NO MISTAKE LUPIN!" Dad yelled then turning to me 

"D-Dad i'm s-sorry!" I stuttured stepping back a pace because dad was walking towards me, he grabbed the tops of my arms 

"You will tell me the truth..." He paused "NOW" 

"I-I-I..." I began but the next thing I felt was dad hand hitting me harshly on the cheek, I placed my frail hand on the spot in which he had hit me 

"SPIT IT OUT CHILD!" He bellowed 

"Snivellus!" Tonks gasped, she was about to protect me but I held her back. It was my turn to be angry. I faced dad and sneered 

"And you wonder why I run away from home!" I shrieked my voice shakey, then I let my next lot of tears fall, they burnt the spot in which I had been hit but nevertheless I headed back upstairs and leaving dad to re-think his actions. 

I headed to a spare room and huddled up in a corner, I just hoped that no one would find me and they never would... 

Fred's point of view

My eyes snapped open, I had heard every shout that Snape had bellowed and then the small shriek that Lucy had let out, and by the sounds of it she had headed for the empty room with the- 

"Bogart in..." I whispered the last part of my thoughts 

"You OK Freddie?" George asked getting up and sitting himself on the edge of my bed 

"George, Lucy has gone into the room with the boggart in! Now she's going to see such terrible things!" I gasped 

"Oh my god!" George gasped we both jumped off of the bed at the same time (what a coincidence...) and ran up to the room

We opened the door as quickly as possible and saw Lucy on the floor sobbing, and sure enough that bogart in which had been hiding was now in the form of Snape.

"P-Please!" Lucy gasped still sobbing looking at the bogart with complete fear, but the bogart stayed silent and moved towards Lucy

"Riddikulus!" I shouted pulling out my wand and watching the boggart dissapear to it's hiding place, I rushed over to Lucy and so did George we sat down next to her and tried to comfort her.

"It's OK Lucy it's only a bogart!" George whispered

"B-But that bogart w-was my father! A-And now I w-will have t-to go live w-with him! The thing i'm afraid of!" She sobbed, me and George looked at each other that was completly true she would have to put up with that old bat.

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