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Lucy offered up the box of every flavour beans to Fred. He took one and tried it before pulling a face.

"Vomit flavour, yuck!"

"You said they weren't that bad!" She said in a sing song voice.

"They're not!" He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. But she didn't pull away, she allowed it. She loved the way he held her as he did so. When he let go Lucy felt so strange. The gesture didn't even feel romantic, it was just Fred being Fred and yet at the same time it did feel somewhat nice.

Then George appeared behind them and opened up a red envelope and opened the card inside: "Lucy! Wake up!" It called gently in Hermione's voice and they all laughed.

"Lucy! You're going to be late!" It kept saying. "Lucy!"

Lucy's eyes snapped open and she looked up to see Hermione's concerned face above hers.

"You don't want a detention do you?" Hermione's eyebrows were knotted together in concern.

"Goodness gracious no!" Lucy pulled back her covers and scrambled out of bed.
Hermione handed her a set of her school clothes she'd already gathered for her. "Thank you, I'm so glad you're organised."

"I heard you in the common room late last night, it woke me. What were you doing down there?"

"Oh," Lucy zipped up her skirt after ridding herself of her nightgown, then pulled her jumper hastily over her head. "We were just talking and then lost track of time. It happens to the best of us."

"You seemed like you were all having so much fun."

"Oh we were. You know Fred and George, always there to make you laugh."

"Don't I know it but I think Ron is just as endearing."

Lucy raised an eyebrow at her but said nothing about the blush that tinged Hermione's cheeks.

Lucy slung her tie around her neck and Hermione handed her her satchel and they made their way downstairs and out of the common room. By the time they made it to the entrance hall Lucy had finished knotting her tie, she was just tucking it into her jumper when Fred pulled her into a hug.

"God you're wonderful!" He announced, causing Hermione to giggle.

"I'll save you some toast, Lucy," she smirked and headed into the Great Hall.

"I've already told George about personal space and I'll tell you as well!" He held her in just the way he had in her dream and Lucy didn't know quite what to think.

"But you've made us rich! We've been selling the yelling confetti in the Great Hall at breakfast and they're a huge hit. Don't be surprised to see any red envelopes being passed around and the sound of yelling."

"But how? We only completed them last night."

Fred shrugged. "George and I stayed up all night making them in our dormitory. Needless to say — " Fred tugged down on his under eye, exaggerating the dark circles. "I'm tired."

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now