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It was nine o'clock in the morning not a week later and the Hogwarts train was being driven through a blizzard of snow. Lucy was sat on the train next to Snape in the teachers carriages as she'd gotten permission from him. She read a copy of the Quibbler while he read the Daily Prophet, he turned to her midway through as article:

"Why are you reading that junk?" He asked, sneering at the Quibbler.

"It's entertaining," she responded as simply as he had. Her eyes didn't leave an article on Nargles.

Snape peered at the article in disgust. "Nargles," he repeated, not adding what he really thought about that nonsense. Returning to the Daily Prophet full of its own speculations: 'Potter or Plotter?', 'Will Minister Take Over Hogwarts?', 'Dumbledore: Daft or Dangerous?' And: 'Attack in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic.'

Lucy saw that final headline out of the corner of her eye. "Dad?"

He looked up from the newspaper.

"What's that article about the Department of Mysteries?"

He put an arm around her and then grabbed the right side of his newspaper again so that she now had a full view of it. Lucy looked over and saw the moving image of a skinny man with flaming red hair, his face held a small smile but the article held no happiness:

Mr Arthur Weasley (pictured below) who works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office was attacked in the Department of Mysteries on Friday. Mr Weasley said that he had dozed off outside and that when he awoke he was attacked by a snake. The Ministry say that they have no idea how the snake got into the Ministry of Magic and they are certain that they have nothing to do with it.

"We have no idea how it got in," states Fudge Minister for Magic. "And by that I mean Arthur Weasley, he wasn't even in his own department! All joking aside, even if we did have it sent into the Ministry we wouldn't have it attacking one of our clients!"

We caught up with Arthur Weasley yesterday (Saturday) in St Mungos hospital where he seemed rather un-phased whilst he read an issue of the Daily Prophet:

"It doesn't bother me that I got attacked by a snake, all that matters is that someone came and found me and then I was taken here to St Mungos hospital. Wonderful place isn't it?" He said

But, he seemed a bit lost for words when he was asked who rescued him, we couldn't ask him further questions due to the fact that a healer shooed the interview team out. She told us that the patient needed rest and we should mind our own business.

"Arthur is rather lucky to be alive!" Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley's wife said when we caught up with her in the visiting room of St Mungos. "I am so glad that he was found and my thanks go out to whoever saved him"

But this case seems rather suspicious. Who did rescue Arthur Weasley? And how was he found? Nobody ever goes down to the Department of Mysteries as we were informed by Fudge, apart from the people who work down there and they don't have a minute of time for anybody else. They just stay in the department of mysteries and get on with their job. The clients who work in the Department of Mysteries are going to be questioned by the Minister very soon.  

Lucy knew she had to go and tell Fred. But she had to escape her fathers clutches first, she needed a distraction...

Her thoughts were disturbed by a first year running down the hallway, screaming, as a boy was chasing her with something. This set Snape into action and he stood up automatically and slammed open the carriage door:

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now