CHAPTER TWENTY ONE: A Twin's Intuition

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[I'm not sure if Fred took N.E.W.T potions but anyway I thought it would go great with the story!]

It was an odd sight to catch either of the Weasley brothers with a quill in hand in lesson but when they did it was met with silent suspicion. Fred's battered quill traced lazy circles with his ink in Potion's class as he pretended to take notes but instead he had other things on his mind to write out.

He'd started off by writing an apology letter to Angelina but whatever he wrote wouldn't be enough for her to be okay with regarding his absence from the Quidditch team. So he flipped his parchment over and tried writing a letter to Lucy, he wanted her to spend Christmas with him and his family. He wanted his mother to gush over and accept her as one of her own, Fred was sure she'd love her after all.

But he couldn't compose his words well enough and he was about to give up when:

"Weasley," the chilling voice of Snape stood in front of his desk.

Fred slammed his Potions book shut so the parchment was concealed, he didn't want Snape finding out he was writing love letters to his daughter (the drafts were starting to get a bit cheesy after all).

"Snape," Fred looked up at him on full alert now.

"Professor," he corrected curtly. "Ten points from Gryffindor and a detention for your cheek."

Something told Fred this wasn't just to do with his failure to address Snape properly.

Once Snape had stormed away, back to the front of the class, Fred felt something light hit his head. He looked at the floor and saw a crumpled up piece of parchment, he picked it up and unfolded it carefully:

You look like a man in love.

Fred spun around, he knew who the culprit was, and sure enough George was smiling at him. He made an indication with his hand to send him a reply so Fred faced his desk. He dipped his quill in ink and scribbled on the back of the parchment:

Prove it.

Fred waited for Snape to turn and face the board and then swirled in his seat and threw the once again crumpled up bit of paper in George's direction. Just in time too:

"And for homework — " Snape began but was drowned out by the whole class groaning in protest. "Silence!"

Everyone fell into silence, Fred glanced over his shoulder and saw George with the un-crumpled note in hand:

"I will." He mouthed.

Fred nodded once and faced the front of the room again.

"You will write a foot of parchment on two Potions you have learnt this term, I expect it on my desk before next lesson and anyone who fails to complete the task will land themselves in detention. No excuses — class dismissed."

Everyone got up and left their seats, George placed a hand on Fred's shoulder who remained there. "I'll meet you outside, we've got Weasley's Wizard Wheezes stuff to get on with."

"Sure," Fred nodded and George left.

Once the room had emptied Snape stood in front of Fred's desk.

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now