"Damn cub is going to give me a heart attack one day," Vegeta spoke under his breath, but his words lacked any bite. His muttering caused the three other dominants sleeping in the room to stir, and the former prince moved back to the sitting room to clean up a bit so he wouldn't be the reason behind Raditz's shouting this early in the day.

A shirtless Bardock let loose a low protective growl as he looked for the source of the disturbance and saw the younger beta. He eased up on the hostility, but he still gave the smaller man a glare at being woken up. This made Raditz and Gohan sit up as well with bleary eyes.

Tarble held one finger to his lips as he pointed to the bed with his other hand. Gohan, Raditz, and Bardock saw the three still asleep, and quietly left the room. Gohan trailed after the older saiyans and gave his father and little brother a final look before shutting the door behind him. Vegeta was throwing blankets and pillows back into the pile that had been Trunks' bed as everyone else took in the messy room.

The eldest demi-saiyan gave Vegeta a questioning look as he smoothed some of the ruffled fur on his tail. He was still getting used to having it again. Raditz pulled one blanket over his bare legs from where his black shorts didn't cover, and another one to help his black tank top keep him a bit warmer as he settled on the same sofa as his father.

"He couldn't find Trunks when he woke up, and like always, he assumed the worst." A soft voice came from beside him that had him jerking his head towards the source. Tarble was giving the young alpha a sweet smile that made a flush spread over Gohan's cheeks, and the demi-saiyan cleared his throat as he scratched one of his cheeks feeling a bit self-conscious in being in only his purple gi pants.

The teen shuffled to take a seat on the only free sofa with Tarble sitting on the other end. The teen's eyes darted to the floor, but they occasionally moved to glance over at the smaller saiyan. He was so enraptured by the younger prince that he didn't noticed Vegeta watching his every move with a look of exasperation.

The flame haired man had to resist the urge to face palm over the puppy love in Gohan's black eyes. Judging from the infinitely more subtle glances Tarble was giving Gohan the attraction went both ways. It seemed the demi-saiyan cursed himself on the trip to Vegetasei, and that made the former prince wonder what was with Kakarot's and his families being drawn to each other like they were.

At least Vegeta didn't have anymore beta relatives. He wasn't sure he could stand if Bardock and Raditz found mates in them too, and he was thanking whatever deity there was for that small mercy. It was bad enough that the hairball was going to be his brother in law if he could earn another chance at being Kakarot's mate. Not to mention it was beginning to look like their youngest cubs would end up mating, at least there was no shared blood. Figuring out his own family tree if he actually mated Kakarot was going to give him a migraine.

"Looks like Kakarot woke up last night." Bardock's rough voice cut through any other thoughts in Vegeta's head. The words brought a sense of relief in every person in the room that caused the atmosphere in the chambers to lighten up. "He should be out of any danger the doctors feared he was in while unconscious."

"Should we wake him back up?" Gohan asked his grandfather with a hint of unease in his voice. "Is it alright that he's sleeping right now?" He glanced back over at the closed door as he bit his lip.

"No. You don't want to interrupt his sleep. Trust me." Bardock gave a smirk as he also looked back over to the door. "Kakarot is vicious when he's woken up before he's ready. That boy almost took my arm off the last time I did that." The alpha lifted his left arm to show the others four slightly jagged lines along his forearm.

It was late in the afternoon and growing cooler with the scent of rain on the air. Kakarot decided to nap outside on the balcony of his rooms on a whim on a chaise that had been placed there. All in all Bardock was reluctant to leave his youngest be. He figured it would be a simple matter to rouse the beta long enough to settle him in his bed.

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