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WARNING : ugliest one shot ive
ever msde osmsnsj sorry


Camila was cooking dinner, so I sneakily wrapped my arms around her waist, and settled my chin on her shoulder. "Hey beautiul," I smiled, softly kissing her jawline. She smiled from ear to ear, and giggled softly.

"You're so cute, Shawn." She said, turning her head and puckering her lips. I did the same thing, and pecked her lips twice. She giggled, and pulled away, focusing on the noodles.

I pouted playfully, kissing her neck. "But we could do other things.." I smirked, comtinuing to kiss her neck softly, earning a shaky breath escaping her lips. I smiled, and continued up to the bottom of her ear lobe. She made a sound, becuase of the gratification and kisses I was giving her.

"Do you like this?" I asked, turing her around, she nodded, and wrapped her arms around my neck. Don't worry, the stove was off. I smirked, and kissed her lips.

I broke her.

oml this was the ugliest one shot ever lmao

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