Ch. 5 Lost Faith pg. 48

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My great grandmother was the one that kept our family together. She held all the holiday dinners, organized every special event, and made sure that we were all straight. "Now that she is gone who is going to do it now?" was all I could think about. I knew that my whole life was going to be different without her love, guidance, and support. The wake and funeral awakened my mental and put me in a place that I had never been before. All I could do is cry and question God about it all. I started to lose faith in Jesus and question if he was even real. I used to ask God over and over "Why did you make my life this way?" and I never received an answer. Wondering to myself will Jesus ever answer me and if so will he make my life any better?
After weeks and weeks of praying with no answer, I began to lose my faith in Christianity. Why would such a loving God allow innocent children to go through so much hardship and never help them out of such horrible situations? Now I'm stuck living with my drug and alcohol addicted grandmother and my sickly grandfather. They had a one-bedroom apartment, with too many people living in there, and constant traffic in and out. "This can't be real" was the thought that crossed my mind often. I hated my living situation and I held back tears every day because I didn't want to make my grandparents sad. I knew that they were doing all they could possibly do for me but I wanted out. I never knew pain like that before and I contemplated suicide.

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