Ch. New Beginnings (Advice) pg. 22

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Many of us go through hard times in life that are difficult to manage. Whether those hard times are from nasty divorces, parents breaking up, parents addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, becoming homeless, or even from dealing with infidelity by the love of your life. Those kinds of troubles can weigh heavy on your heart and can manage to affect your everyday life. Recognize that there are things in life that we have no control over. Do not beat yourself up over something you could not prevent from happening.
Understand that it is not your fault and you cannot control someone else's actions. Understand that what was done, cannot be undone, but it can be forgiven.
We all deserve peace and happiness in our lives. You must honestly forgive the person or people that caused you the pain that you are feeling in order to heal. If you are not feeling peace and happiness in your life, I suggest for you to do some deep introspection. Take a minute to fill in the blanks in your personal journal or on a piece of paper:

1. I am hurt because:

2. I am afraid because:

3. It is difficult for me to trust certain people in my life because:

Once you fill in the blanks write:

4. Now that I admit and understand what has been bothering me I am now letting it go because I forgive myself and the person(s) that hurt me.

Read it to yourself a few times out loud or in your head. You might feel even better if you burn the paper after! When you're done, inhale and exhale your new beginning.


Years Later, well into the late 2010's, I learned the truth about a lot that happened, directly from the source. Read further to learn more on my story and how I became a Life Coach today. Mind you, my first 3 chapters are to my recollection.


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