12.Bad Communication and Horror

Start from the beginning

 "Hermione, are you finished?" Ron asked, annoyance covering his words. This set her off again except at Ron.

"Ron?! What do you mean? I am not some crazy, temperamental, tantrum science experiment! I do not always yell! Ronald Billius Weasley, you are such a dull, easy-to-bore person! If you think I am so annoying, now you don't have to worry about it because we are over!" Hermione finished, running off, wiping gentle tears from her saddened face. Ron's face was full of hurt. Lavender ran after her. Girl troubles. There is nothing scarier than girls mad and crying. I have experience with that. Not pretty.

"So Harry. As I was saying, one of your kind did this. One of them used your magic and made me fall. So which one of you should I point at?" I said, getting annoyed my self.

"I swear, it wasn't me or Ron. We would never do anything ot cheat. In fact no one in Gryffindor would ever cheat to win. The only ones at Hogwarts who would do that is..." But Harry didn't finish his sentence, for something connected in his mind and anger piled up in his face. I heard him mutter one word. Malfoy.


  Hermione's POV

As I ran away from the green Quiditch field, tears started to fall from my eyes. As if my emotions were being listened to, rain started to drizzle, being followed by hardcore, pouring. My frizzy brown hair was now plastered to my face. Shivering, I finally made it to cover. I could hear slushy foot steps from behind me. I ignored them and walked inside. I made a sharp turn to the side and hurried to the Gryffindor common room. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone right now. I can't believe Ron did that! I could still see his hurt face when I walked off in my eyelids. His beautiful, sad, hurt face.

Right then, a hand wrapped around my shoulder. I spinned around, whipped out my wand, and pointed it at the face behind me. The frightened face of Lavender Brown was staring, cross-eyed, at the tip of my wand.

"I am so sorry Lavender! You just startled me. Please can you leave. I really am not in the mood for a conversation right now." I apologized, looking down at my feet.

"Hermione, I came to comfort you. I know what it's like to have a Weasley dump you. In fact, I was dumped by the same Weasley." Lavender said, trying to sympathize towards me. I did feel comforted. I gave her a hug.

"Thanks Lavender. I think I'm going to go and get some rest." I told her and trudged off. Before I left I saw her face and the hurt as the memories of her break up with Ron came back. Once I was down the hall, I didn't pay attention to where I was going. I let my feet drag me to Gryffindor Tower. Not concentrating on my surroundings, I bumped into someone. I fell to the ground and heard laughing coming from above me. Why her? Out of all the people in the school, why did SHE have to run into me? The annoying, nasal voice of Pansy Parkinson rang in my ears.

"Can't even stay on your feet, can you Granger?" Pansy said, getting on my nerves. I was about to whip my wand out and stupefy her sorry little face, but someone beat the hit. Crackling, bright lightning shot through the window, sending sharp pieces of glass all over the hall. I got flung back a few feet as well. I looked from the spot where the lightning struck and to Pansy and back. Surely Pansy didn't do it because it just barely missed her. And looking at her face, you can tell that she was shocked by this too. I looked around the deserted, empty, vacant hall to find one tall figure standing in the corner. Her spiky, dark black hair was smoking, literally. And her electric blue eyes were glaring at Pansy. Thalia Grace stood there, watching the scene, bits of glass shimmering off of her shiny silver parka from the moonlight. Here was Thalia, looking at Pansy and helping ME torture Pansy, instead of vice versa.

"Thalia?" I asked her, but she wasn't paying attention. She was too busy fumbling with her bracelet to get her shield out, for Pansy had her crooked wand out and was getting ready to say those dreaded, wretched words. Those two, horrible words. Avada Kedavra. Everything turned to slow motion as I silently saw Pansy saw those two words, as Thalia's shield popped onto place with the gorgon of Medusa engraved into the middle. As the curse harmlessly bounced off her shield, it suddenly changed directions and was coming directly at me. I couldn't force myself to move or get out of the way or even close my eyes. I was shocked as the green curse flew in my direction. Suddenly, a dark figure flew in front of me, letting the curse kill the life in him. He fell to the ground, limp, lifeless and dead. The face of the dead person punched a hole in my heart. As I looked at the face of a close friend, gentle tears fell from my welling eyes and softly fell on his pale face. While I looked at the dead face of Neville Longbottom, I slowly felt myself lose to unconsciousness and fall into the dark waters.

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