6.Shock and Slaughter.

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A/N: I know I added this chappie before 50 reads but that might have been unreasonable. So now I'm adding it at 30 reads.The song on here isn't a video and there is no singing, but I love the song and it's from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 and that is like my fav movie so please listen and you might have to turn up the volume to hear at the beggining! So please comment vo- oh you know what to do. Oh! and do you guys think I should enter this in the Watty Awards 2011? Tell me in your comments! Bye!

xoxoxox AnnabethRulz4162 xoxoxox

-----------------------------> Pic of Ginny Weasley

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HP. PJO belongs to Rick Riordan and HP belongs to J.K. Rowling. I own Juliet Darren.

Ginny's POV

I hate waking up. Just that simple. I hate it. I never have the energy until Hermione comes and pushes me off the bed. That's one of Mione's flaws. Annoyance. She is only annoying in the mornings and when she is showing off her brains. Ugghhh! But other than that she is awesome.

"Fine! I'm up Hermione! Jeez mornings are painful now that you guys are back from your little quest." I said. She looked away fake hurt on her face.

"I didn't know you didn't appreciate that I helped SAVE the world so you wouldn't have to run into hiding so Voldemort won't slaughter you in the most painful way possible." Mione said giving me a horrible picture in my mind.

"You know I really didn't need a morning nightmare right when i got out of bed, Mione but thanks anyways!" I replied my words filled with sarcasm almost to the bursting point.

"Whatever. I am going to breakfast in a couple of minutes. you wanna come Gin?" She asked.

"Sure. Let me get dressed and ready and I will meet you in the common room." I muttered getting out of bed clumsily. I walked to the bathroom and washed up. I slumped to my trunk and got changed. Personally, I thought I looked good with my teal tank top and a black cardigan on top of some denim skinny jeans and purple high tops. I walked down the spiral stairs to the common room and met up with Hermione.

"Hey!" I called over to her, waving high.

"Hey! Let's get going! I'm starving!" Mione stated with her stomach grumbling proving her point.

We walked down and were chatting about Charms homework when we saw Annabeth asking Lavender a question. Lavender was looking at her with a look saying ' Are you really that dumb?'

We walked over and grabbed Annabeth's arm. She seemed surprised because she pulled out her knife and pointed it at Mione's neck.

"Woah! there is no need for violence here please. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come to breakfast with us!" Mione said, fear dancing in her eyes.

"Oh. Phew! I thought you were a monster or something!" Annabeth said, relief crossing her face, and warmth filling her eyes.

"My hair isn't that bad anymore! It's only mildly frizzy!" Mione said real hurt in her voice this time.

"No no no! I meant that if a monster was after me they would go for physical abuse first not vocal." Annabeth explained.

"Oh well let's just push that event away and back to my question. So would you like to come down with us?" Mione asked again.

"Of course! I was just asking that girl over there where breakfast was because I forgot where it was. that's not normal for me because I usually memorize and calculate things a lot faster." Annabeth said rather fast.

"You also say stuff faster too." I muttered and thankfully she didn't hear it. Unfortunately, mione did and she elbowed me in the ribs.

"Ow!" I murmured. God, she was annoying sometimes. Like I said in the morning!

We walked down in silence and then Mione broke the ice.

"So it's you and Percy dating right?" Hermione said trying for small talk.

"Yeah. Me and him started dating at the end of summer after the great war against the Titans. I just love everything about Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said dreamily.

"What did you just call him? Seaweed Brain?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. I started calling him Seaweed Brain as his name and I'm Wise Girl. But only he calls me Wise Girl. No one else. Travis learned the hard way..." she said and evil glint in her eyes. (A/N: I know Annabeth isn't that evil but I put it in anyways.) I think Travis was one of those twins from the group that came. It doesn't matter though. I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna make on of us that gets to go to their camp.

We finally reached the Great Hall, the loud cheers and talking greeting us 20 ft. away.

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