Not A Chapter! Characters! Please read anyway!

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A/N: Just to let you guys know, if you didn't read the chapter title, this isn't a chapter! I'm only adding this to tell you about the characters. Not all of them just the main ones. So please read anyways, especially if you don't know what the characters look like.Bye!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, except Juliet Darren. All characters from PJO belong to Rick Riordan and all characters from HP belong to J.K. Rowling.

Character: Harry Potter


Colour of eyes:Emerald Green

Colour of hair:Jet black, and messy

Description:Tall, skinny and lanky. Is a wizard and is in Gryffindor house. Enemy to Draco Malfoy. In 7th year at Hogwarts. Best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Has round, slightly broken glasses, and a Phoenix feather with Holly, 11 inches, nice and supple. Parents are dead.  Killer of Voldemort and now owner of the Elder Wand. Girlfriend, Ginny Weasley.

Character: Percy Jackson


Colour of eyes:Sea-green

Colour of hair:Jet black, and messy

Description:Tall ,muscular and handsome. Is a demi-god or half-blood. Son of Poseidon, earth shaker God of the Seas and saviour of Olympus, and creator of horses. Killer of Kronos, Lord of Time, Ruler of the Titans and the elder gods father. Bears the curse of Achilles and vulnerable spot is the small of his back. Girlfriend is Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy and other useful arts, plus created the olive tree. Together Athena and Poseidon made the chariot. Best friend Grover Underwood, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

Character: Hermione Granger


Colour of eyes:Brown

Colour of hair:Brown and bushy

Description: Tall, with a bossy sort of voice. Witch at Hogwarts and wand is Vine wood with dragon heart string core. One of the closest friends to Harry Potter, along with Ron Weasley.  Very good at magic and best in her year. Is a Muggle-born and parents are dentists. 

Character: Annabeth Chase


Colour of eyes:Stormy gray/ light blue

Colour of hair:Blond and curly.

Description: Tall and fit. Is girlfriend to Percy Jackson even though her mom disapproves of this. Her mom is Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. She is one of the people who was on Olympus when Percy defeated Kronos. She has two favourite weapons. Her knife, from her friend/brother Luke who was possessed by Kronos. Her other weapon is her Yankees cap of invisibility.

Character: Ron Weasley


Colour of eyes:Blue

Colour of hair:Flaming red

Description:Long and lanky. Has flaming red hair and isn't the brightest person ever but he  doesn't care. Wand is Willow 14" and unicorn tail hair. He specializes in chess analysis and strategy. Always. it seems to be, that he is wrong when he is serious and right when he is joking. One of Harry Potter's best friends and is currently dating Hermione Granger. Took Padma Patil to the Yule Ball and has one sister and 5 brothers. Parents Molly Weasley and Arthur Weasley.

Character: Thalia Grace

Age:Around 18, but is immortal at the day before her 16th birthday

Colour of eyes:Electric blue

Colour of hair:Black 

Description:Has spiky black hair and has freckles bunched on her cheeks. She likes to wear black, dark t-shirts and ripped black skinny jeans. Now she also wears a circlet like a tiara on her head for she is the lieutenant of Artemis and a Hunter, so she always wears a sliver parka as well. She is a daughter of Zeus and has a brother who is Jason Grace and is a son of Jupiter( Zeus in his Roman form). She is well-known for her final stand at Half-Blood Hill, fighting to save her friends and then turned into a pine tree, from Zeus's pity. She helped keep Camp Half-Blood safe, for her pine tree had a magical boundary that kept the monsters and mortals out. She was a pine tree for approximately 7 years and got turned back into a human by the golden Fleece during Percy's third summer at Camp. Now she is immortal and a Hunter of Artemis.

 A/N: I know there is a lot more characters, particularly from PJO, that I can list but I will make another sheet later on. I promise I will Post another chapter soon, but I have been really busy with back to school and all that but, I promise new chapter in at least the next 2 days. Really sorry but I can't do much. Bye!:D

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