10.Game On

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A/N: Hey I tried to upload this as soon as possible, but I was super busy. Don't worry, though, I will be writing as much as possible to get as many chapters uploaded as possible! Please comment, vote and FAN! V-Power!

----------------------------------> Look at Niki Manaj! Scary!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the incredibly awesome stories PJO or HP. Juliet Darren is my own creation though!

   Percy's POV

I woke up to Annabeth by my side. Her chest was slowly moving up and down. Our hands were still entwined. Suddenly all memories of yesterday flooded my brain. I stood up and felt Annabeth's slightly fevered forehead. Even though she was burning, her skin was pale white. As soon as I lifted up my hand, the nurse walked in.

"Oh good your up, Percy." she said slightly glancing up from her clipboard to notice my presence. She walked over and repeated my action. She scribbled down some notes as I backed away, letting her have room to examine her. Before she stalked off, she looked up and told me that breakfast is going to start in 5 minutes and that I will have to leave now. I nodded, deciding that it was best for me to leave Annabeth and get some food before I fainted and ended up in a bed next to her.

 While silently walking out the doors to the hallway, I realised how hungry I was and couldn't figure out how I was able to sleep, while being so hungry. My stomach growled at me proving my discovery. While jogging to the Great Hall, I caught up to Harry and Ron, slowly walking off to breakfast.

"Hey guys." I greeted them, getting a smile from each of them.

"You mind if I tag along? I don't know which way is to the Great Hall." I said, embarrassed by my horrible mapping skills.

"Sure. Hey why were you coming from the direction of the infirmary?" Harry asked.

"Oh well, yesterday, we ran into a brother of mine." I said, starting my long story.

"Another demigod?" Ron asked incredulously.

"No. A cyclops. You see all cyclops are sons or daughters of Poseidon. So all cyclops are my brothers or sisters." I explained to them, while they had weird and confused faces. "I have a brother who was my best friend in grade 7. His name is Tyson. Right now he is the ruler of the cyclops. He was named that last summer when Kronos was over-thrown."I continued.

"Wow! That's awesome! Yet also creepy..." Ron stated. I never met someone as strange as Ron. It's weird.

Once we reached the giant oak doors of the Great Hall, we walked in, with everyone staring at us.I think they were mostly staring at me though. Most of the glares i received were from one of the far tables. The Slytherins. I glared back, in the direction of Draco. He cowered back. I knew he didn't have the guts to be a hero.

"Hey guys? What's up with Draco? Everyone, except me and Annabeth, cower around him. He seems....dangerous." I said not sure about my choice of words."Even some of us demigods cower." Juliet came to mind when I said this, but I didn't want to mention the event.

"He was a Death Eater." Harry said disgust drenching his words."He didn't choose to be though. He was forced he would be killed. It was the same for the murder of Dumbledore. He was our old Headmaster. He was told to kill him. Since he was here at Hogwarts Voldemort used that advantage. But, in the end, Snape ended killing him. I thought he was a traitor, but it was all part of his master plan with Dumbledore. He risked his life, to make sure I survived." Harry finished, the tone in his quiet voice signaling that the subject should be dropped. I didn't mention at all during breakfast.

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