5.Surprises and Trouble

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A/N: Hey it's me. I just wanted to say that after this chappie, i won't write another one until I have 50 reads on this one. So tell your friends and family and what the hay? Tell any body you see! ( I'm just kidding about that last part. Please don't talk to strangers.) So enjoy, COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN!

-----------------------------------------------> pic of Percy Jackson

   Harry's POV

  When we were at Charms, Ron wanted to ask me something. I could tell by the way he was looking and acting. So once Hermione left to talk with Lavender Brown, he finally spoke up.

"Hey are you doing any good at this spell?" he asked making small talk. "it's really bothering me. Anyways, you know that girl Annabeth? Well...um...do you...think...do you think she would go out with me?" he finally got out.

"Maybe. It's definetly possible." I replied not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Good because I'm gonna ask her out after Charms." he said, a look of fake confidence on his face.

"Well, Ron I just wanted-" but I couldn't say anymore because suddenly the door slammed. and Hermione wasn't here anymore.

"Ah man. Hermione is such a drama queen. It's not like we were dating." he whined.

"Ron. You two were snogging for Merlins sake!" I tried to tell him.

" Oh well. Whatever." he said pushing the event away.


   Harry's POV (half an hour later)

  I watched as Ron walked over to where Hermione and Annabeth were sitting. As soon as Ron came over Hermione stormed off. Well, so much for Hermione getting over that. Ron satertedtalking to Annabeth when Percy walked over.

  Annabeth's POV

  Ron started some words out that weren't audible. then Percy came over. Oh Styx! I thought to myself. Percy is going to start to get protective again!

"What's up guys?" Percy started.

"Um...well...I..was wondering if...well...maybe..if Annabeth would go out with me?" Ron stuttered out.

"Well Ron, actu-" but I was cut off by Percy screaming at Ron.


Ron scrambled off a look of obvious fear on his face.

"Percy you didn't have to be that harsh. He didn't know we were dating. Now you have to apologise to him or there will be no more Percy and Anna-" but I was interrupted by Percy kissing me.

I kissed back but I was also annoyed. He always does that!.Once he pulled back I told him "You are so annoying sometimes. That's cheating. Cutting me off by kissing me." But I really didn't care that much because I kissed him again. Once we were done, I looked up at his beautiful sea-green eyes.

"Now go and apologise to Ron." I told him.

"Fine." he said and kissed my forehead before he ran after Ron.

  Percy's POV

   Once I set off to find Ron I bumped into Hermione again. But not literal this time.

"Hey Percy." she said looking happy at the sight of me.

"Hey." I replied.

"So I was wondering. If you would be able to go with me to Hogsmeade." Hermione asked sweetly.

"Umm...Hermione the thing is I'd love to but I can't." I replied trying not to put venom in my words.

"But why?"

"Well, you see, I have a girlfriend."

"What?! It's that Annabeth girl isn't?" Hermione said saying Annabeth's name like it was dirt.

"Yes. I'm sorry but I can't. and um have you seen Ron? I have to apologise to him for flipping out."

" Why did you flip out? *gasp* He asked Annabeth out didn't he?" she asked.

"Yeah. Idon't like when other guys are with her alone. Except her brothers. Those dudes are fine." I said.

"Well I saw him running up to Gryffindor tower about 5 minutes ago."

"Thanks Hermione. Gottat go. Bye!" I said and ran off. I could slightly hear her yell "Bye Percy!" from behind me.

Once I reached Gryffindor tower I said the password and went to the common room. Ron was sitting there looking glum and watching the fire. when he saw me he jumped up and used the pillow from beside him like a shield.

"What do you want?" he asked. "Please don't use your sword on me!"

"I'm not going to Ron. I came here to say sorry for flipping out on you." I said apologetically.

"Oh. Well than apology accepted. I hope we can be friends though even though I did ask your girlfriend out by accident." Ron said a huge grin on his face.

" Me too Ron." I said putting my hand out. He shook it and we sat down and talked for a bit until Annabeth came up and said it was time for dinner.

"Hey guys. you guys want dinner?" she asked.

"Oh hey love. Um ya. Sure. Ron and I were just talking for a bit. I will walk down with you." I said. "See ya later Ron!" I said cheerfully.

"Bye!" Ron said.

I put my arm around Annabeth's waist if to tell all the girls "I'm taken!". We walked to dinner and got ready for tonight's wonderful meal.

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