Chapter Eleven: Mood Swings

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POV from Ben


I jolted out of my sleep and rolled to my right, falling out of bed. Kellin and Vic kept screaming at me from my phone on the ground and I grunted as I reached over and turned off the alarm. I yawned smacked my face a few times. Jordyn was sitting up, rubbing her head. 

"What are you doing on the floor?" she giggled. I smirked at her.

"Felt like doing some pushups in my sleep." I replied winking. She snickered and rubbed her eyes. 

"Why is King For A Day your alarm sound?" She whined. "It's so loud!" 

"Did it wake you up?" I looked up at her as she rolled out of bed and nodded, yawning. "There ya go, then." 

She rolled her eyes and smirked at me. "Are you gonna take a shower?" 

When I shook my head, she giggled. "You should. You smell like jailbait." 

I rubbed my hair seductively and licked my lips. "Oo, baby, you're just my type!" 

She burst out in giggles of hysterics and I snickered at her. She cleared her throat as someone walked into the room. It was Davy. 

"God, do you ever knock?" I groaned, standing up, shifting my pants. He rolled his eyes. 

"Did you tell her yet?" Davy asked, nodding to Jordyn. Oh. Tour. I never told her that she was filling for our merch girl. I turned to Jordyn and smiled at her. 

"So, tour's coming up soon." 

Instantly, her face darkened. "Yeah." She whispered. "I know." 

I took her face in my hands and kissed her lips. "You're coming with us. You're going to be our merch girl!" 

"Jenny got pregnant, so you get this tour, yes." Davy sounded bored. I sneered at him and hissed a warning. 

"REALLY?" Jordyn shrieked. I nodded and she jumped onto me. "Oh my God! I can't fucking wait! Eep!" 

"No sex on the bus." Davy said. "I don't want to hear my brother having sex." 

"Shut up." I said, rolling my eyes. "You're not even the one to call the shots." 

"You're right." Davy admitted. Then he winked at me. "But I still don't want to hear you and Jordyn getting freakay!" 

"Shut the fuck up!" I slammed a pillow into his face. Davy chuckled and walked away, flipping me off. I turned to Jordyn apologetically. "Sorry." 

She giggled. "Its fine." she winked at me and then stuck out her tongue. "You have to get ready." 

"I am ready." I told her, puffing out my chest. She snickered. 

"Well, I have to pack, but my bags are at my old house." She pouted at me. "So I guess I have to go with you when you're at my dad's." 

"Alright." I sighed, trying to sound bummed out. She leaped into my arms and kissed me, my stomach turning to butterflies. Damn, she really knew how to make me feel like a man again. "Stop it! We have to go! We're already late..." 

"HEY! ARE YOU READY?" Shouted Sam's voice. I rolled my eyes and Jordyn grabbed my jacket. 

"I'm ready." I shouted. Jordyn flashed me a grin, and just like that, we were on our way.


"Are you sure?" I muttered to Sam. Sam looked over at me like I had eight heads. 

"Are you serious?" Sam asked me, rolling his eyes. I sighed through my nose and peered out the window. We had to make a short pit stop because Jordyn had some...lady problems. Not that I really minded it, it's just...a little awkward, because she had to go to the Pharmacy, then the gas station, and then the bathrooms. 

"I don't know what you mean." I grunted, looking away from Sam. Sam grunted and turned to me in his seat. 

"You're risking your relationship with her by just going on tour. Not only that, you're bringing her with you. On the tour bus. Where relationships end." Sam frowned and looked out the windshield, his mouth in a frown. "I don't think this is a good idea." 

"I do." I sighed. "She thinks I'm going to be unfaithful to her while I'm on tour. I'd like to prove it to her firsthand. I'll be responsible. Anyways, she's getting a job out of this." 

"Did you get her a phone yet?" Sam's eyebrows were raised as he glared at me. I frowned. 

"Not yet." I muttered. Sam groaned loudly. 

"You know the crowds, you know the people! They're fucking assholes to everyone that's not the band. They're going to tear her to bits! They already know that you two are dating. Do you know how many sluts will try to kill her?" Sam was now waving his arms about and he almost hit the horn. Twice. "They're going to bloody kill her!" 

"Shut up, Sam." I rolled my eyes. "They're not going to do that. And if they were...then...we'd...we'd...we'd do something about it!" 

"Well-" Sam was cut off by Jordyn climbing into the car. Her eyes were red and her mouth was twisted into a frown. 

"Are you alright?" I asked, leaning over to her. 

"I'm fine." She whispered. 

I shook my head in disbelief. "Jordyn, seriously, are you-" 

"I said I'm fine, Benjamin Bruce! Stop asking me if I'm alright or not! I'm fucking fine!" She snapped at me, her hand over her mouth. I flinched back and turned in my seat. She only used my full name when she was really, really angry with me, so I shut up and looked straight ahead. 

Sam started to drive again, and we slipped into an uncomfortable silence. 

There was a buzzing in my pocket and I picked up my phone to see a message from James. He was excited for Jordyn to come on tour with us. He was sending every single emoji he had on his phone which was a lot. 

"J-Jordyn, look at this." I said, handing the phone to her. She glanced at it and smiled faintly. 


"He wants to talk to you." I said, raising my eyebrows at her. She smirked as we pulled into the driveway. 

"Can I talk to him while you're in therapy?" She asked, typing something to James. I nodded at her. Anything that made her happy. 

"Of course." 

"Thanks." She whispered, hopping out of the car. I smiled and jumped out too. She gave me a hug. "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier." She murmured into my shirt. I smiled and kissed her head. 

"It's alright. Maybe later, you can tell me what's going on?" 

She nodded dumbly at me. "Yeah. Sure." 

I smiled at her. "Thank you." 

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