Chapter Twenty Five: Alicia

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POV from mother fucking Alicia

Benjamin Bruce. I don't know why I hold onto him. I wouldn't press charges on his slut anyway. I just want him to call off the wedding. I don't want him to be happy. I didn't even hit on the guy who kissed me at the concert! What was his name? Rob? Bob? Tom? Tom...Tom sounded right. I think...He was little young. Too young for it to be legal, but thankfully Ben didn't find out how old the poor sucker was. Tom...Tom what? What was his last name? Tom...Tom...Tom Baxwell? Maxwell? Tom Maxwell. That was his name. I grinned as I flipped through my contacts in my phone. Thomas Maxwell. (If you don't remember who Tom Maxwell is, remember he's the guy who has liked Jordyn for ages...he's also the guy who basically raped her in public and Ben beat the shit out of him) 

I sent him a text that went something like this: Do you remember me? Let me jog your memory. I'm that girl you kissed at Asking Alexandria. And my ex fiance is the one who smashed the guitar in your face

I know it sounded pretty brutal, but hopefully, it jogged his memory. A few minutes later, I got a reply. 

Yeah, I remember you. Why?

I snickered and began to text him my plan. 

Alicia: From my understandings, you go to school around here.

Tom: yeah. y? do u wanna hook up? 

I snorted. Boys; so fucking horny and desperate. 

Alicia: haha, maybe. i was wonderin if you knew a Jordyn Ash.

There was a slight pause and then the furious response came into play. 

Tom: Yeah. I know that whore. why? 

Alicia: I have a plan I think you want to be a part of. come swing by and I'll explain. 

I shot him my address and shut off my phone so I knew he didn't have a choice to back out. I smirked to myself. This was perfect. 

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