Chapter Fifteen: Stay, I've Seen it All Before

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POV from Ben

"You say that Gainesville's got no soul, well that sounds like a good enough excuse for coming home." She had her eyes shut as she strummed a few chords and she smiled up at me. "And all these Tallahassee skylines, they keep singing out a song, and know it's your song, they've been singing all night long. And this Tallahassee rooftop just keeps calling out your name to come and sing, so stay." She smiled at me and took a deep breath. I winked at her and heard Cam sigh slightly. His eyes were drooped shut and he had a faint smile on his face. "So stay, stay and watch the stars come out and then the sun as they all fade away. I'll sing you every song I know if it will make you want to stay and then I'll say, that I missed you, and these words, they'll convince you..." She peeked up at me through her fringe. 

I gave her a warm smile and she stopped strumming the guitar and set it down. "That's all I can remember." 

Cam and I clapped for her. Sam and Danny were sleeping upstairs because they had a rough hangover to get rid of. James was in the kitchen talking to someone on the phone. I'm pretty sure it was our tour manager. James and I needed to start working on some more music for our newest album. We just released From Death to Destiny and we're pretty happy about it.

"It's a lovely song." Cam told her. Her cheeks reddened. 

"I love Mayday Parade." She and Cam sank into a deep conversation about how the lyrics were about failed relationships and something like that while my mind drifted to the meeting I had with her doctor. 

"I'm sorry I walked out like that." I muttered, my eyes on the ground. The doctor gave me a small smile and touched my shoulder. 

"What can I do for you, son?" He asked, leaning on the counter. 

"I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about what happened when Jordyn had the miscarriage." I licked my lips and looked up. "Why did it happen?" 

The doctor sighed and rubbed his head. "Well, Miss Ash was four months along, so she had a small fetus growing in her body. What happened was, Miss Ash wasn't eating healthily, therefore, the fetus didn't get enough nutrients." The doctor sighed and messed around with the stethoscope. "So, the body rejected the fetus because the body needed the nutrients more than the fetus did. That's why she suffered from the miscarriage." He looked up at me. "Does that answer your question?" 

I nodded slowly and he looked sympathetically at me. "If it makes you feel better, I can refer you and Jordyn to couple's therapy-" 

"That wouldn't necessary." I replied, glancing up at him. "Thank you for your time." 

"I also learned another song." Jordyn's voice cut through my thoughts and I sucked in my cheeks. 

"Show us!" Cam said enthusiastically. 

She suddenly looked embarrassed. "No, nevermind. You're going to make fun of me." 

I raised an eyebrow. 

"No we won't." I told her, kissing her cheek. She blushed deeply and rolled her eyes. 

"It's my interpretation of a song that I like..." She trailed off. "And it's not supposed to be like the original. I mean, it is, but it's totally different-" 

"Just show us the song!" Cam groaned. She shot him a playful glare, but reluctantly started playing a thin lick of a tab that sounded vaguely familiar. 

"Every second soaked in sadness, every weekend is a war, and I'm drowning in the deja vu, you've seen it all before. I don't wanna do this by myself, I don't wanna live like a broken record, I've heard these lines, a thousand times, and I've seen it all before-" She looked up at us and we looked back down at her, shocked. She was going to try to tackle a Bring Me The Horizon song? This would be interesting to watch. She made a face. 

She didn't ever scream, she didn't ever make her voice scratchy. She sang it totally clean and it was chilling. 

"I'm sorry, no, it's not enough, we shouldn't feel a love so painfully, it hurts right to the touch-" 

I watched as she looked up at me, tears in her eyes. Her lip was quivering and I frowned, taking the guitar from her. Cam perked up ever so slightly and took the instrument from me. I crept closer to Jordyn and held her close to me. 

"I want to get better." She whispered, barely audible. "I want to get help. I want to be healthy."

A smile grew wide on my lips and I hugged her tightly and kissed her full on the mouth. "Thank God, Jordyn." I breathed in her ear. 

"So, what are you hungry for?" Cam asked, standing up too. She smiled at Cam and rubbed her neck. 

"You know what?" She asked, softly. I smiled at her and cocked my head. 


"I'm really hungry for a steak." 


We all sat at the steakhouse ordering food. Jordyn and I decided to share a large meal and then we'd go out for ice cream later. It was a bold decision that she made and I was super proud of her. She sat there, watching as the appetizers were coming in, a small frown on her face. 

All of the guys had a beer in front of them. Jorydn only had a water. The nachos came over with mozzarella sticks. I smiled brightly as they placed the nachos in between me and James. James smirked and dug into the food like a ravened wolf. 

I rolled my eyes and put a small amount of food on Jordyn's plate. She cut up the mozzarella sticks up and nibbled on some pieces. I put my arm around her and chewed on some chips. She was having a difficult time, but I knew she didn't want me to interfere with her issues, so I just had to be the physical support for now, which I didn't mind at all. 

A few minutes later, Jordyn smiled up at me as the others talked amongst themselves. "Thank you." she whispered. "I love you." 

"I love you too." I told her, kissing her temple.

The food came by and a large steak was placed in front of us. Jordyn looked at it wearily as the waiter gave us an extra plate. I grinned at her and she smiled weakly. 

"Want me to cut it up for you?" I asked as Danny whooped about his food. She nodded and gave me a small smile. 


"Of course." I sliced her a large portion of meat and cut them up into little thin slivers. She watched me put some on her plate, along with broccoli and carrots. She reached over and put a little bit of potato on her plate and she sighed. 

"Can you eat it with me?" She asked, her eyes looking weary. I nodded and sliced a small piece for me. On the count of three, we both took a bite. I watched as Jordyn's eyes widened slightly. 

"Wow! This is really good!" She said enthusiastically. I had to laugh at her. The others cheered her on and she blushed slightly. 

After the meal, she still had some meat on her plate, but aside from that, she looked absolutely stuffed. She grunted and leaned into me. "Ugh, I feel like I'm going to barf." She groaned loudly and then she placed her head on my shoulder. "Can we skip ice cream and do that tomorrow?"

I nodded and kissed her cheek. She giggled and started tracing patterns on my hand. "I'm so proud of you, Jorydn." I told her, leaning down and nuzzling her nose. She smirked and brushed my face away. 

"Let's just go home, okay? I'm super tired." 

I smiled at that and then kissed her cheek. "Alright. If that's what you really want." 

"It is." She told me. She winked at the guys who were already talking about going out to a bar to celebrate my eating. "You can go out with the guys if you want to." 

"Are you high?" I laughed at her. "Hell, no! I'm spending this night with you!" 

She blushed and hid her face from me. "Alright." 

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