Chapter Twenty Four: Deals With The Devil

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POV from Ben

Jordyn was in our room sleeping. Her breaths left her lips through short little pants, her eyes squeezed shut. "No, no." she was murmuring. I wanted to wake her up, I knew I shouldn't wake her up. She shuts down immediately when I wake her from her dreams. 

I slowly sat up and walked to the door. Skipping the steps, two at a time, I almost stumbled into Sam who was lying on the couch, his mouth slightly open as the snores took over his body. They weren't loud snores, only light puffs. I smiled to myself. For once, I was the first one awake. It was about 9:45, so Sam should be waking up soon. Jordyn was like me and didn't really get out of bed until 2:30ish to 3:00. 

I sat next to Sam as he slept and quietly turned on the TV. I kept the volume muted as I watched some children cartoons that was on TV. I grinned, watching the animations move about on the screen. 

"Ben?" grunted Sam's voice. I grinned and glanced down at him. 

"Hey, Sam," I told him gently. "How are you doing?" 

"The bed would have been a hell of a lot comfier." Sam grunted. 

"So why didn't you share it with Cameron?" I questioned, my eyebrows raising. Sam blushed and snuggled into the couch a little deeper, his eyes closing halfway. 

"Cam's a little sexually frustrated right now," He pointed out. "so I didn't want to be there when he realized that you could have sex with the same gender." 

I laughed along to this joke, realizing that Sam was right. If any of us were sexually frustrated, we would normally grab a groupie from off the streets. But since we've been spending a lot of time off tour, some of the guys have been a little upset that they couldn't get some every night. 

"Are you guys talking about me?" groaned Cam's voice. I glanced up and saw the tall lanky man walking towards us, rubbing his dark, dark hair. 

"Nope," Sam lied, his eyes still shut. Cam rolled his eyes and sat next to me, throwing his arm around my shoulders. 

"So, when's the bachelor party?" He asked, wriggling his eyebrows. I shrugged, looking down at my hands. 

"Jordyn and I decided we didn't want to have a bachelor party or a bachelorette party." 

Is it possible for a human to choke on their tongue? If the answer is yes, then both Sam and Cam choked, coughing wildly as they peered at me, a frown on their faces. 

"What?" Sam cried. 

"We're getting married next week." I explained. "I don't want to be put into a situation that would jeopardize our wedding." 

"Have you told Danny that?" Cam sighed, trying not to look disappointed. 

"Nope." I glanced at the walls nervously. "I don't really want to either." 

The door bell rang and I grunted, standing to answer it. 

I wish I didn't. 

I swung open the door and my smile disappeared on my face. Wiped off immediately. I stared at the girl in front of me with all the hatred I could muster. 

"Alicia." I hissed. She smiled and winked with some difficulty, seeing how Jorydn beat the shit out of her last night. 

"Hello, Ben." She tapped on the door frame. "Let me in." 

"Not on the hairs of my chinny chin chin." I told her. Yeah, it was a stupid comeback, but what could I say to the woman who had caused me so much pain? 

She chuckled and brushed past me, her head high, a slight limp in her walk. I smiled grimly. Good job Jordyn. 

"What the hell is she doing here?" Sam moaned, falling back into the couch. Cam perked up and glanced over. Once he saw her his face turned into a menacing growl. 

"Down, boy." Alicia giggled maniacally, her hand flipping slightly. "Why don't you just take out whatever you've got going on with Sam, hmm? Make Sameron a thing?" 

Cam sank in his seat, his ears turning red. I gritted my teeth. 

"What do you want?" I asked menacingly. She grinned. 

"I want you to call off your engagement." She stated simply. 

"And I want a unicorn to take me to the land of fucking imagination, but that's not going to happen, is it?" I snarled back at her. Alicia giggled and flipped her hair over her shoulder. 

"Oh, yes it is Ben." she told me quietly. 

"Great, where do I sign up?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "I've always wanted a unicorn. Is Willy Wonka still there?" 

Alicia blinked stupidly and she shook her head quickly. 

"What? No! I meant you're going to call off the engagement." 

"No, I'm not." I replied, taking a step forward. She took a step into me as well and poked me hard on the chest. I flinched away from her. 

"Yes, you will. Either that, or Jordyn's going to prison." 

I stepped back and stared at her. "What do you mean?" 

"My daddy's a lawyer." She reminded me in her annoying voice. "And what Jordyn did yesterday was like, totally illegal. I'll press charges against her and she'll serve a short time, but it's still time. Do you really want her to go to jail?" She peered at me with a curious smirk. I felt my stomach plummet. 

"Get the fuck out," I snapped, shoving her lightly to the door. 

"You've got two days, Bruce." She threatened. "And if I don't hear what I like, she's going." and with that, she left, leaving me very confused. 

I slammed the door shut and saw Cam and Sam staring at me. "What are you gonna do?" Sam whispered. 

I sighed. "Well, I'm not letting her go to jail..." 

"You can't just call off the wedding." Sam scolded softly. I sighed loudly and sank into the couch in defeat. 

"Well, then, what can I do?" I stared at the two boys for help, but they didn't say or do anything. I gritted my teeth and walked out of the house grabbing my keys and scribbling a note to Jorydn. I watched as Cam stood up and walked out of the house before me. I glanced at him with curiosity. He rolled his eyes. 

"I have to make sure you don't do something stupid." He chuckled. I grunted and nodded to Sam. Sam smiled back at gave me a little wave and I stormed out of the house. 

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