Chapter Sixteen: D.R.U.G.S

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Sorry I haven't updated in forever! Volleyball's started and it hurts my muscles....:( I'm such a weakling. Also, I lost power, so I had to write this on my old laptop. Our main computer died so I was out of wifi for a while. Here's an update for those still reading. I love you! Here you go! 

POV from Jordyn

I don't know why I was so excited for that tour anyways. I'm fucking happy that its over. So much happened and I didn't want to go back to it. Unfortunately, I picked up self harm again. I cut at least once a week, and it was something I couldn't control. I would wake up, cry, make an excuse, hide in the bathroom, and cut. Whenever I was alone, because Ben had to do work or something, I cut. But my eating had improved. I gained ten pounds, and the miscarriage was now behind us. Also, Ben and I were closer than ever now. Inseparable. Until today...

"Are you ready, Jordyn?" Cam asked, his smile wide. I frowned slightly, looking back at Ben. Nothing against Cam. I loved Cam! I just...wanted to spend some time with Ben. 

"I'm ready." I told him, changing my frown to a smile. Cam chuckled. 

"Okay, we're just waiting on James then." 

I nodded and crossed my arms over my chest. Ben stooped down and kissed my cheek. "Sam, Danny and I are about to go. I'll see you when I get home?" 

I felt myself give another nod and Ben laughed. "I love you." 

"I love you too." 

Ben winked and then walked off with Sam and Danny. I watched them go, sadly, as Cam placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"It's alright, Jordyn. It's not like they're never coming back." He told me, chuckling slightly. I narrowed my eyes at him and made a face. "I'm sorry." 

"Whatever." I watched as their car pulled away from the driveway and another car pulled in. James got out with sunglasses covering his eyes, a small frown on his lips. He was probably hungover. 

We were still in the states and were planning to go back across the pond in a few weeks to visit family. Then we'd return here. Home. 

The door opened and instantly, James' face brightened. "Hey!" 

"Hi!" Cam responded, putting his phone in his pocket. "Ready?" 

"I just got here..." James whined, rolling his head back and forth, but reluctantly walked out of the door again. Sighing, I grabbed my pocketbook and followed James, Cameron shutting the door behind us. 

"Where are we going?" I asked mildly, climbing into James' car. 

"We're going out to eat, and then we're going to go shopping." James said, starting up the car. I stretched out in the backseat ad mewled slightly, feeling the soft crack in my back. James looked back in the rearview mirror. 

"Woah, there! Don't get all freaky in the backseat!" 

I flipped him off and returned to my state of sleepiness. 

We pulled up to a cafe and I smiled at the shop. Little and quaint. I loved it! 

James, Cam, and I got out of the car and picked a table outside. We ordered some coffee and some bagels and waited for the orders to come out. We began to talk about how their music career was going and how their album was going. Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed my thoughts. 

"OMIGOD! It's James and Cam!" I heard scrambles of people and a teenage girl popped up out of nowhere. "Can I get a picture?" 

Cam and James smiled, nodding in unison. She handed me her phone and she went in between the two boys, her arms draped around their necks. I took a few pictures of them and she blushed. 

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