Chapter Seventeen: Rings

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POV from Ben

Sam pointed to a box. "How about that one?" he asked, anxiously on his toes. I peered at it, but my heart wasn't set on it. 

"I don't think so." I sighed. "I can't imagine it." 

"How about that one?" Danny mused, pointing to another box. I sighed and shook my head. 

"Not that one either," I looked away from them and crossed my arms over my chest. I couldn't find the right ring. This was really freaking me out because I couldn't find the perfect ring that was meant for us. I was going to propose to Jordyn, I just didn't know when I should. Considering all of the things we went through, I really believed that we could spend forever with each other. 

"Ben, your phone." Sam said, looking up from his and Danny's conversation. I just realized that my phone was buzzing and playing the ringtone. I got some nasty looks from the customers, so I went outside of the shop to answer the phone. 

"Hello?" I asked, shifting the phone a little, leaning against the brick wall. 


I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. "What the fuck do you want, Andy?" I growled, my anger getting the best of me. 

There was a long pause. Finally Andy answered. 

"Just...keep an eye on Jordyn...okay?" 

"Is that a threat?" I snapped, growing impatient with the man. 

"No..." Andy sighed and I cold feel him shifting his phone a little bit. "please, just look after her. She's not doing so well..." 

"What do you mean?" My tone went down a little bit, worry replacing my anger. 

"She'll talk to you about it." he told me. "When she's ready, she'll talk to you. But...please, look after her." 

"I will." I promised. We said our goodbyes and I hung up. Immediately, I called Cam. 

"'Ello?" He asked, sounding a bit stressed. 

"Cam? It's me. How's Jordyn?" 

Cam let out a long breath and chuckled. "She's good. Happy. Mood swings, man." 

"She's not hurt, is she?" I saw Sam waving his arms at me, pointing to a ring. I held up a finger to tell him: One minute, and returned to the phone conversation. 

"Nope. We're almost home now. When are you going to be there?" 

"In a few minutes." I sighed. "We're leaving shortly." 

"See you then." Cam said, then he hung up. That's Cam for you. Short conversations, but straight to the point. I chuckled and shook my head. Maybe I was letting Andy get inside my head. 

I walked back into the shop and walked to Sam who was grinning in satisfaction. "I think I found one." 

I looked at the engagement ring that Sam was pointing to. 

It was a thin gold band wrapped in some silver. Instead of a diamond, there was an opal, glittering. Teeny-tiny diamonds were littered around the opal. It was perfect. 

"Good job, Sam!" I said, rubbing his hair. He made a face at me. Danny scampered over to us and pointed to it. 

"Is that it?" 

"Yep." I smiled. "Remember, don't tell her. I don't know when I'm going to do it, but it's going to be soon." 

I called down the employee and bought the ring. I got the velvet box and I handed it to Sam. "Hold onto this for me so Jordyn doesn't find it." 

Sam gave a small nod and Danny pouted. 

"Why can't I hold onto it?" he whined. 

"Because you get drunk a lot and you might lose it." I said simply. We all laughed at this, knowing it was true. 

We walked back to the car, in high spirits and wonderful secrets. It was perfect. 

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