Chapter Two: Happy Birthday...To Me...

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  POV from Jordyn 

I woke in Ben's arms. I grunted and sighed a little looking away from the sunlight that seemed to stubbornly shine through his ragged curtains. I rolled around restlessly, my feet tangling in the hot bed sheets. I hissed in a breath as my arm made contact with the bedside table and winced as I bit my knuckle trying to suppress the scream that was building in my throat. I glanced down at Ben and  saw him shift a little. 

"Turn off the sun." He muttered, smothered in sleep, his mouth in a frown. I grinned and forgot my pain. He was so adorable. Good thing he's a heavy sleeper. I slowly crawled out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. I trailed my fingers down my throat and touched some of the love bites Ben decided to leave last night. I swallowed and smiled to myself. I shoved my brown hair to one side and took off the small necklace my mother gave me. I was going to clean it. 

I grabbed some rubbing alcohol from the bottom drawer and sat on the tub. I scrubbed furiously at the silver. I was humming to myself as I cleaned. It was a song that Axl and I used to sing together. It was Just Give Me A Reason by P!nk. Yeah, we seem tough, but P!nk all the way! 

I giggled to myself, finding myself changing my voice drastically to fit Nate's voice. I didn't sound like him at all, but it was still funny. Finally, when I finished cleaning it, I put it around my neck and walked out of the bathroom. Ben was still sleeping, a small smile plastered on his face. I was going to get him in a few minutes. I rubbed my hands together like a cartoon and giggled to myself. My birthday was today, and Ben's was tomorrow. Freakish...right? Ben was turning 25 and I was turning 20. Big numbers if you ask me. Ben's birthday was the best, though. His was Halloween! Mine was...'Oh, that day before Halloween? Trick or Treat day?' I giggled and pranced about the room. 

It had been eight months since I was in the hospital with Ben and now I was trying to live my life. Two months ago, I moved in with Ben. It's been heaven ever since I made that decision. Ben said he was about to go on tour in a few weeks and I was allowed to go with him. He just had to check in and see if I could get a spot as a merch girl. 

I walked into the kitchen and smiled to myself. I was going to make a lovely breakfast for Ben and I. I grabbed some eggs from the fridge and started up the stove. Fifteen minutes later, I held two plates with sunny side up eggs with two pieces of buttered toast and bacon with some sausage. 

I crept into Ben's room and walked to the bed a smile on my face. 

"Ben? Ben? Sweetheart, wake up!" I sat on the bed and placed the plate under his nose. Instantly, Ben's eyes fluttered. 

"Mmmm?" He moaned, his eyes trying to stay open. 

"Wake up Ben." I giggled, leaning over and giving him a kiss. He sat up slowly and rubbed his face. 

"Can I wake up like that every morning?" He joked. I stuck out my tongue. 

"I made us breakfast." I told him, kissing his cheek and handing him his plate. 

"Mmm!" He happily said, taking it graciously. I cuddled by his side and we both ate in silence. Damn, I was a good chef. Suddenly Ben gasped. 

"Shit!" He snapped, making me jump a little bit. 

"What?" I gasped, shuffling back a little bit. "Are you okay?" Ben smacked his face and looked super upset. 

"It's your birthday today." He said sadly. I cocked my head at him. 

"Is that a bad thing?" I giggled, poking his chest. Ben peeked at my through his fingers and pouted. 

"I was going to wake up early and make you breakfast." He fiddled around with his food and looked at me, the sadness clear on his face. "But...I didn't..." 

"Shut up, Ben." I giggled, biting his shoulder slightly. "It's alright. I don't mind it." 

"But I do." Ben whined. He bit into his toast and sighed. "How about this. How about I take you out to lunch instead. I'll plan everything. I promise. Don't make plans. Just us!" 

I giggled at his enthusiasm. "Okay, Ben. If it means so much to you." 

"It does!" Ben cried. "Now get in the shower, young lady!" 

I giggled and winked at him. "Can you shower with me?" I flirted. Ben looked at me and rubbed his chin. 

"I think that could happen." he leaned over and kissed my mouth. My toes curled and leaned into him. "You go in and get started. I'll be in there after I put our dishes away." 

I winked at him, butterflies in my stomach. 

"Alright." I told him, pinching his elbow slightly, chuckling at the stars tattooed on his arms. "Promise you'll be there?" 

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." He chuckled. I bit my lip and dropped my pants in front of him and pulled off my shirt. I was completely naked and I looked over my shoulder at him. He groaned inwardly. I winked at him and stuck out my tongue, prancing into the bathroom. I heard him laugh as he picked up our dishes. I turned on the water and leaped into the shower, my mouth in the biggest grin ever. I loved Ben Bruce. 

Recovery [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora