Chapter Twenty Six: Banana Slut

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POV from Jordyn

I woke in a cold sweat and shut my eyes immediately. The fucking sun was shining through the pathetic curtains again. I hate it. I grunted and sat up, my eye trying to adjust. I yanked on Ben's boxer shorts and pulled on an overlarge T-shirt that had James' old university sign on it. I snickered. James was the only one who went to university. I pulled my hair into a quick bun and smiled in the mirror, rubbing some old makeup from my face. Then, I padded down the stairs, a grin on my face. 

"Good morning!" Sam called brightly from the kitchen. I smiled up at him as I plopped at the kitchen table, playing with my engagement ring. 

"'ello!" I mocked his accent. Sam made a face at me, but grinned nonetheless. 

"Are you hungry?" he asked, bobbing a little bit. I giggled. 

"You cook?" He gasped dramatically. Sam shook his head sheepishly. 

"No, but I can use a microwave pretty damn well." 

I shrugged and sighed. "I think I'll just have a banana, but thanks, Sammy." 

Sam wrinkled his nose at his weird nickname I gave him and sat down next to me. "Well, alright then, Jordy." he replied. Very clever

I raised an eyebrow at him as I stood to grab the fruit. "Ben left a note for you on the fridge." Sam said, his eyes on his phone. 

"Thanks." I winked and grabbed the sticky note and the banana. As I peeled the fruit, I stuck the sticky note to Sam's forehead and I read it out loud. His light eyes peered up, making him look stupid as he tried to read the note as well. 

"Jordyn. Good morning! Off to tell Danny that we're not having a party before the wedding. Brought Cam with me, just in case. I love you! See you late afternoon! Love, Ben." I read aloud. 

"Ahhh," Sam replied, his eyes rolling. "that's where they went off to." 

"They left you behind?" I teased, poking his nose as I took off the sticky nose. He wrinkled his nose and made another face at me. I bit into the fruit and felt satisfied as the food turned to mush in my mouth. 

"Yeah, you deep throat that bitch." Sam grunted, his eyes on me. I snorted and ended up dropping the banana making a mess on the table. 

"SAM!" I shouted. "I can't believe you just said that!" 

Sam laughed out loud, his eyes scrunched shut. "Your face was hilarious!" 

My phone buzzed, and snarling, I looked down at it. 

Hey, it's Axl's cousin, Adele. I was wondering if u could come and pick me up? Both Axl and Alyx are busy.

Adele gave me an address. I sighed. I had heard of Adele before. I remember she was at our old school for a while. I texted the number back and sighed even louder. 

Yep. Be there soon. I pointed to the banana and raised an eyebrow at Sam. 

"You, you'll clean that up, got it? I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?" Sam cocked his head curiously at me. 

"Where are you going?" 

"Axl's little cousin is in town and she needs me to pick her up to bring her to their house." I rolled my eyes. "So I have to go get her from somewhere." 

"Want me to go with you?" Sam questioned innocently. I thought about this for a while. 

"Erm, sure! That would be good. Let me go change." I quickly went up the stairs and pulled on some pants over the boxer shorts. I pulled on a bra and put a small tight fitting sweater on because I was planning on coming back to the house anyway. 

When I walked down the stairs, Sam was standing there, the banana mess was gone. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. He led me into his car and I shook my head. 

"Nuh uh!" I shouted over my shoulder. "I don't think you driving is a good idea!" 

"Why?" Sam whined. "I'm a good driver!" 

"What if Adele is a fan of yours?" I asked my eyebrow quirked. "And she sees your license plate?" 

Sam was silent. Then he nodded slowly. "Yeah. Sure." 

I jumped into my car and giggled. Sam sighed dramatically and climbed into the passengers seat. 


The drive was pretty easy and laid back. I got to the address and Sam and I walked out of the car, skipping to the park, our arms linked and swinging. 

We sat on the park bench and I texted Adele. 

We're here.

A few seconds later, I got a reply. Are you with THE Sam Bettley?

I snickered and looked around. "Adele?" I called out. I saw a thin girl turn, a devilish grin on her face. I gasped. "Alicia?" I felt a pressure on my neck and I gave a muffled scream, but I blacked out instantly. 

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